Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween weekend blurps.

I am a blogger and so I have to blog what we did this weekend. I will however be incredibly boring and not go into much detail. Overall I have hated this weekend and the little bits of annoyances, but I don't want to dwell on that anymore. My heart hurts too much. But at the same time there were some wonderful things that happened (its just too bad that they will forever be overshadowed by horribleness). So I choose to tell you only the good things that happened. The things that I hope to remember, happily, for a while.

We left on Thursday morning to start our trek to St. George. We stopped at IKEA first and spent entirely too much money on things we needed, but more on things we wanted. Our most friviously expenditure was $15 on a wooden train set for Aidan. As we picked it up we both agreed that it would be a Christmas present, we had it opened before we left the store. All of us enjoyed playing with it. As I type this blog, Brian and Aidan are playing with the "choo choos" and giggling. Delightful. We also had the opportunity to stop in Provo and visit with a Chilean family from my mission. Even more wonderous was that my Mamita (a member from Talagante who took care of us sister missionaries, she was a listening ear when I needed her...even though I couldn't speak a lick of spanish at the time). We only planned on staying and visiting for about an hour...two hours later we had to pry Aidan away from his new friends and hit the road again. The drive south was uneventful and relaxing. Aidan travels very well. We arrived at Harrison and Jordan's about 8PM. Jordan and Harrison shared yummy pizza and fries with us. Then Jordan and I went to the store for some munchies. We returned to her apartment and ate chips and salsa and watched DALE. Love that movie.

The next morning I woke up and visited with Jordan as she watched Addison and McKenna (Addison's best friend). Much was said during this conversation. I don't remember anything mean, negative, wrong, or even slanderous but something happened. From this conversation the weekend went down hill. For lunch we met up with Harrison at Troy's BBQ. A very yummy and afforable BBQ place in St. George. I recommend it to all. Then we went back to Harrison's house and attempted to help Jordan finish all of her baking for the next day Halloween party. Then McKenna's mom Michelle came over and gave both my boys haircuts. Aidan lovely long blone locks are so gone. He know has a big boy haircut. Thanks again Michelle. That night we all went to my parents house for a spaghetti dinner. Everyone was there but Harrison and Jordan and Kellie and her family. They got together and did something. Then me, mom, Suzie, and Corteney (Jacob's girlfriend) went out to Hurricane to Brandi's house for a party. We didn't stay too long (Brian was babysitting) but long enough to have a good visit with them. When we got back to my parents house Aidan had been asleep for about two hours and had just woke up (he went to nap at 830 and woke up at 1030PM!). After a short visit with my parents we left. Aidan was in the middle of his screaming fit (not made screaming...he just found that he can scream and enjoys doing it). So we decided to get Brian some dinner (he doesn't eat spaghetti). Then we returned to Harrison's place.

On Saturday we woke up and prepared to go shopping. It was me, mom, Suzie and Corteney. We originally wanted to go and get stuff for Corteney's baby (due Jan. 25) but found it very difficult without knowing the sex of the baby. So we just spent random bits of money all throughout St. George. Then we went and baked some corn bread at my mom's house. Dad was making two big pots of chili. Delicious. Nothing says yummy chili like the one that dad puts his TLC into. Then at 530 we headed to Harrison and Jordan's house for a fun night of food, friends and fun. Jordan made a lot of delicious treats. Then we took all of the little kids out to go trick or treating. Ethan was Optimus Prime and Maren was Cinderella, Aidan was a lumberjack and Addison was a lioness. What fun. We didn't get to do many houses, people don't answer their doors anymore, sad. After trick or treating we returned to the apartment. The visiting was fun. Then everyone started to leave and it became just a few stragglers at the apartment. Brian and I decided to take Aidan over to trick or treat at my mom's apartment. We headed over and they found it funny. We then made my dad (the only one still dressed) go with us to take Aidan to some of his neighbors homes. Then we went and visited Jacob. Jacob lives like four houses away. Jacob gave Aidan most of his candy and then we just visited for a while. Then we went back to Harrison's apartment.

On Sunday we woke up. Jordan had made a yummy breakfast, only I ate it though. Then we all got ready for church. We decided to head over to my parent's house so that they could get ready without feeling like we were in the way and needed to be entertained. Then we all headed over to the church for the baby blessing. What a great turn out for such a beautiful little girl. Bob and Virgie, Suzie, us, Kellie's family, my parents, Jacob and Corteney and Ryan and his family came. What a delight to see his family. I love his girls so much. Ryan was so nervous because it has been a long time since he was in church but I am glad he survived. LOL. Grandpa Bob did a fantastic job giving the blessing. It was absolutely beautiful. Then after church we went and attempted to pack our stuff up and change our clothes. Apparently this is where it all fell apart. Jordan made comments that hurt my feelings and I had had enough. We packed the car and planned on leaving right then and there. We left some stuff at my parents house so we needed to go and find the keys. We let Aidan play at the park with Ryan's girls (there was a BBQ after the blessing). We got our stuff and went back to retrieve Aidan. My dad insisted that we not leave just then. Allow ourselves to calm down. We then went and visited at my parents house for a while and then (I know my dad and Brian did this together) conveniently it got too late to travel. Brian and Dad were working on computer stuff, and using Microsoft time...ridiculous. Later that evening we all we to Denny's to eat. What a nice relaxing event between all the drama. We giggled and played...and Jacob and Corteney came with us. Then we went back to my parents house to sleep. The next morning we woke up and went to In N Out for lunch, goodbye to everyone and left. During the next four hours much happened. Amazing all the damage I can do while driving. The sad news is that for whatever reason this time Kellie has decided that she doesn't want to be a part of the family ever again, especially my sister. She has cut us all off. I don't know what I did, but I think I know what brought this on. Jordan had a very stressed out weekend and was saying things to everyone that were mean and hurtful. I think she said something to Kellie. Whatever it was I don't care anymore. Both these siblings have left my heart aching like I could never explain. So there. I will no longer discuss or be in contact with either sibling and their families. Their wishes. I am not catering to drama or allowing myself to be abused anymore. I feel terrible for my mother. She doesn't deserve any of this.

On a happier note...Jacob and Corteney found out what sex the baby is...a boy. Clearly and without a doubt a boy. Sorry dad your theory didn't work (his girls started out with boys, the Boys start out with girls). They have decided on the name Ezra Tiberius. But call him Ti (like Ty) for his nickname. Jacob has always wanted to name his boy Tiberius...good for him. For those of you questioning its origins it is a name in the Old Testament...and more popularly the middle name of a famous captain we all know and love to hate. :) Captain James T. Kirk...sounds like Jacob huh? What a mouthful for that poor boy. Ezra Tiberius Armga. Brian and I are just going to call him ETA...LOL. But DO NOT call him E.T. That is a no no already.


Debbie Burns said...

Katie, I'll take you as my sister any day! Oh, wait... I already have! I think you rock and I love every single thing about you. Sorry about the family drama. We know how you feel. Joe's parents didn't even come say good-bye when we left Utah.

Just remember there are LOTS of people who love you just the way you are. I feel bad for those who have decided to be so silly. They are missing out.

blythe0330 said...

Katie, I am so sorry about all of your family drama. If you ever need an ear or a shoulder to cry on, I am always available. I have always looked up to you (and not because you are taller than me, either.) You have always been there for me, especially after everything that happened in January. What Kellie is doing is not at all Christlike and she is the one who will pay for this, please don't let it bring you down. You have always been so strong in the Gospel, I have wished that I could be like you.
Stay strong and keep reading your scriptures. I love you so much and I am glad that you are my cousin! :)

Pat said...

Oh katie, I am sorry for the hurt feelings. You are loved. You are a shining light to so many. Let it shine always and for everyone. Even those that have hurt you. I know you will no matter what has happened.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I love you..this will pass just like all the other times. Keep smiling...you are wonderful.

Suziepackham said...

And your light shines so bright. And you have a wonderful way of bringing out the best in others so they can shine too. Love you...