Monday, November 9, 2009

Fun morning adventure...

Today I got an early morning phone call. Miss Megs called and wanted to know if Aidan and I would be able to join her and Zoe at the Aquatic Center. At first no, then maybe, then no (I got a call to go to work), then yes (another call saying no worries about going to work). I woke Aidan up and got him dressed quickly and ready to go.
At first he was not willing to go, and then I grabbed his swim trunks and the Little Swimmer diaper. He totally knows that these diapers = super fun time. So we hurried to the swimming pool. We quickly dropped our stuff off and found Meg and Zoe. Today it wasn't hard at was just them in the little kid pool. Zoe saw Aidan and then Aidan saw Zoe and the party began. Yippie!

I am a nervous mother. So many things make me nervous, but I am trying to expand my horizons and go after the scary (if you know what I mean). I am not a good swimmer. I am not overly fond of being crazy in a swimming pool. And I get so crazy when kids splash me in the face with water. It is much worse now that I have Aidan. I am scared that in the half a nano-second something will happen. Don't tell me I am crazy either I know and I also know that I have very good reason to be crazy. Well, that being said I have been taking Aidan swimming since he was just super tiny. I want him to not be scared of water but to be prepared and wise and understand the power of water...and to have fun.

Well today we didn't stay long. About 40 minutes. Aidan was scarying me to the extreme. He finds it entertaining that he can walk around the kiddie pool area by himself and not tip over. He also loves that he can dunk himself. You heard me he will purposefully fall over and dump his head into the water. Here's the kicker. He holds his breath and releases little air bubbles and then comes out of the water laughing. He loves it! I did not teach him this. It scares me to death! The other thing he kept doing was push himself away from me and then go underwater. I know that this is probably very natural, but it scares me just the same. I want him to love the water and understand boundaries. That's why next time I will be putting him in his life vest. I couldn't handle anything happening.
Aside from swimming with my little dare devil and nearly having a heart attack. We had an absolute we always do with the McFadden's. Thanks for calling us to go swimming!

All images borrowed from google images.


Anonymous said...

His courage can be a good just have to have an extra pair of eyes to keep him in your sights at all times. Oh, I can hardly wait til you have more kids and have to keep track of all of them. You will experience one of lifes' real treats. love you

Steven and Megan said...

Thanks for going with us! I'm gonna try and talk steve into going tomorrow. All the peer pressure we can get will help! (wink wink) text him and harass him for me

Steven and Megan said...

P.S. for some reason my blog isn't saying when your blog updates so I just back-read the last 5 posts of yours and thats why we haven't commented on any of them.

Suziepackham said...

he's such a little daredevil. It's natural to be fearful, I know I would be.