Saturday, November 7, 2009

A happy husband makes for a happy household

Growing up the saying was if Momma ain't happy no one is happy. That was probably true, especially in my household. Dad wasn't around much (always the breadwinner) so we dealt with Mom most and it was the wisest course of action to just keep her happy. Well the last four months I think, in my household it is the other way around. I am most happy if Brian and Aidan are happy. And if Brian isn't happy, Aidan usually follows suit.

Some background.

In July Brian's XBOX 360 red ringed. The blasted red ring of death visited us. Yuck! Basically if you XBOX lights up with a red light instead of the glowing light green, it means your box has bought it; it has gone off to live in the land of scrap. His box did have a warranty on it through Microsoft but we missed it by 8 days. ERRRR! So Brian being the best in everything he does, did much research and found that he could totally get a cheap XBOX online and re-wire and re-program his old XBOX . He finally found one for $30 online and began his modification process. Needless to say Microsoft was prepared for people like Brian and made sure that all of the tricks were worthless. So know instead of a coveted XBOX to play video games, we have a glorified sleek looking DVD player.

Well on Tuesday after an incredibly futile attempt at cracking Microsofts programming, he saw it. Wal-Mart was having a special sale. Today at 8AM (supplies were very limited) Wal-Mart was selling at XBOX 360 for $200.00. But here's the kicker they give you an instant rebate, if you will, of a $100 gift card. This makes the box basically $100 and you get a free gift card. Brian asked me what I thought. DO IT! We have a Wii here and that is fantastic, but my boy has been needing his Halo/Assassins Creed/ Gears of War/ Mass Effect/ Lego Star Wars fix for months.

Isn't it sad that he had his XBOX for so long and couldn't play it due to his work and family responsiblities. And then it dies. AND THEN HE GETS LAID OFF! Seriously, can we say irony!

So Brian was both excited and nervous... we went yesterday and asked questions (no stupid mistakes were going to foil this purchasing experience) and then Brian did not go to sleep last night. Nope, not at all. He was worried he wouldn't make it there on time or he wouldn't be the first one there. So at 430AM he left the house to wander around Wal-Mart for 3.5 hours to get this machine. I am happy to say that I was sleeping uncomfortably in my empty bed. And guess what...yes he got it. So now we are broke but he just bought himself his birthday and Christmas present (getting me off the hook) and he is a happy husband. I love my happy husband.

On a side note...I had alarms set all over the house. If he wasn't able to go and purchase it for himself I would have gone myself. Once again a happy husband makes for a happy family.


Anonymous said...

It's true..a happy hubby makes home life alot you guys

Jen said...

Yes my husband had the red ring of death 5 times. We were about to get it the 6th time and we traded it in for the elite before it could die. I will be one of the many Call of Duty Modern Warafre widows this weekend.