Sunday, November 29, 2009

FHE with the McFadden's

Megan invited us over for FHE on Monday night. It was so much fun. She made us some awesome pizza (cheese, pepperoni, and bbq chicken). Then we did a craft with the kiddos. Megan found a fun idea of making homemade ornaments. She found two ideas, we were only able to execute one on this particular night. The other will be made later. We made popscicle stick Christmas trees. Zoe and Aidan did a fantastic job of painting their trees. Then we added some sequins for ornaments and a star for the top. For those of you unbelievers out there...the little kids totally did this on their own. Megan and I just supervised. I wouldn't let Aidan eat the paint, and I placed dots of glue on the tree so that Aidan could put his sequins on. But other than that they did it themselves. What awesome little 2 year old we have! Look out Martha Stewart!

Aidan and Zoe painting their trees. We love acrylic paint.
Easy clean up.
The finished products.
The painted tree with the ornaments.
And the painted table. What talent!

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

We love having FHE with you guys! Thanks for letting everyone know that we just supervised with the ornament. My family still doesn't believe that the kiddos did it on their own!