Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween FHE

Last night we had the McFadden's come over for some fun times. One of my favorite holidays is Halloween (see other posts for why). I want to be able to have good traditions with Aidan. So how better to do that that with a fun get together with his favorite Zoe? We had them both dress up in their costumes (we did this just because we will be is St. George this weekend playing with family and we needed to see Zoe in her costume). Sorry but I forgot to do pictures...but Aidan was a lumberjack and Zoe was a giraffe. So cute! They colored some halloween pictures and painted a rock. Yes a rock! Why you ask? For a super fun rock garden (sounded cute and fun in my head). Then we ate chili and treats and made sugar cookies and decorated them. By that time I was exhausted as with the McFadden's. It was a great time for all. A special thanks to Nate and Keira and Lorraine for playing with us. A super big thanks to Lorraine... she helped save my sugar cookies. I read the recipe as asking for 1 stick of butter not 1 cup! Oops! That is why she is the baker in the family and I can pretend to be the cook. Thanks again to all!


Steven and Megan said...

We had lots of fun and all the food was great! Aidan makes a pretty cute Lumberjack! I only got a few pictures but I will post them on my blog

Micah Kormylo said...

A lumberjack!!! How original! I love that idea!!