Saturday, October 3, 2009

A new update...

I have concluded that we, the Brian Larson family, are boring. You may say that it is because we are broke and trying to be wise with our pennies, or because we are just boring. I haven't taken any pictures in a while and that it just pure laziness, oops. Here is a list of semi-important things from this week.

Sunday September 27...Mom and Dad's 31st Anniversary. Holy cow! Congrats to Mom and Dad for putting up with each other for that long! Amazing! I didn't get a chance to put up a special blog in their honor, mainly because I am waiting to get Brian to help me transfer pictures from one computer to the other so when that happens...I will blog just to them!

Sunday we tried to go to church. We made it there and then, right after Sacrament we took off. Aidan some days...seriously...lets just leave it at that. I feel so bad. I feel like some of the issue is he does something and I go crazy. And then if I don't have the spirit, we go. No sense in trying to find the spirit in all of my anger. Brian went to work that night and Aidan and I just relaxed.

Tuesday I went to work. Not so bad. I can handle this thing called day care, as long as Aidan loves it there. I enjoy the kids, but there are a few (three) that drive me nuts. I am primarily in the school age room (4-12 year olds). I mainly deal with the 4-5 year olds. And about an hour of the older kids. I feel terrible that I get so irritated by three 4 years. One is the hitter (he hits everyone -students and me. I know it must mean something else, but if he were my kid he would get punished...the way I feel would be effective but we can't do it at the day care). Another is the tattle tale child. Seriously. Always telling on the others for silly things. And last, the whiner. Always fake crying over something silly or without merit. As I have concentrated more on these three children I have noticed that they behave like this because they want to play with the others and the others don't want to play with them. They don't want to play with them because of the actions the previous children. It is a never ending cycle. Even though they annoy me I have determined to try and figure out how to end this cycle. I don't want to know that the kid that hit becomes violent during the teenage years because of the some unresolved issue with acceptance.

Thursday another day at the day care. School was out due to the fall break, so there were a lot of kids. The real teachers (I am just a substitute) decided to watch Bridge to Teribithia. I have read the book (cried my eyes out) but had never seen the movie so I periodically paid attention to the movie. One child came up to me and said that she couldn't watch the movie because of the scary monsters. I said there were none. She showed me the movie case and said this is a monster. I said but he is a nice monster. No, she said, I hate monsters. They are scary. I said not all of them and she said all monsters are scary. I said my Aidan isn't scared of monsters he loves many monsters. She looked at me like I was a crazy, horrible mother. How can you let him like monsters. I said because I like monsters too. What! She said. I love Elmo and Cookie Monster and Grover and Oscar the Grouch, etc. She looked at me liked I was crazy. Those aren't monsters. And then we read a book that specifically said that they were monsters. She giggled and said then she wouldn't be scared any more of monsters. I just thought that interaction was hilarious.

Friday yard work day and shopping for a compost bin to prep for the spring. Hopefully it all works out.

I have been in love with the slow cooker this week. As the weather gets chilly, I bring it out and make soups. I am glad that Brian lets me do such a thing. This week we have had Creamy Potato, Minestrone, Chicken Tortilla, and Chicken Pot Pie (puff pastry on the side). All but the minestrone I have made before. I loved the minestrone. We have a collection of vegetables in this house and I wanted to find a recipe to use them up. Yum! I also need to figure out creative ways to get Aidan and Brian to eat more veggies. Soup it is. The cool thing about the minestrone is that I put zucchini in it and Brian thought it was yummy...good thing too...we have a ton of zucchini. I think tomorrow is dad's New potato and pea soup (only made with russets).

The other addiction we have in my house this week is Rock Band Beatles. Brian rented last Saturday when the McFadden's came over to play. AWESOME! I love this game. I don't normally enjoy video games like this but I knew a large percentage of the songs and they were fun...just like the Beatles songs themselves. We plan to buy this game as soon as money allows. Brian, Aidan and I have played often this week. Aidan plays the drums. We don't plug in the drums but get them out so that he can beat on them. He enjoys it so much. Some times he likes to sit at the drums and hold the microphone and sing. What a cutie!

Brian and the boys have started playing Shadow run again. I am so happy that Brian can play this game. It makes him so happy. This last week I wasn't real happy but that is just because I was tired and couldn't get Aidan to sleep because he wanted to play with Daddy and friends. I think after we work out the details, it will be a great night for all.

Sometimes I love having Brian home. I got him to clean our carpets and our couch. I am so grateful to have him.

Conference just got over with. Now I can do some yard work before the next session starts.


1 comment:

Jones said...

The child that hits probably is getting hit at home. Hitting just teaches a child that you can hit when you are angry, frustrated, etc.

I have two compost bins. They are simply big circles created by chicken wire looped into a 4 - 5 foot across circle. Use odds and ends of wire to secure the loose ends. Mine were 'dirt' cheap because a neighbor was throwing them out and let me just take them. But you could make them very inexpensively. You set them on the ground in a good spot to crate some 'rich dirt' and start adding leaves and kitchen waste. It is easy and very 'green' to do.