Friday, October 9, 2009

Politics aside....What?

I am very confused this morning. There is breaking news that President Barack Obama just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Huh? Did I miss something? Personal opinions of the President aside (for all of us) what grand thing did he do to get nominated? What event took place that was so spectacular for him to receive it?

I know that I don't follow the news like I should, so maybe something happened that I missed. Did he receive this award for something that he did while in the Oval Office? Or is this something that he did on the campaign trail or even as Senator of Illinois? From what I have understood about the Prizes an individual had to have something to show for the prize. Jimmie Carter and the Peace Accords; Teddy Roosevelt and the national park idea; Al Gore and the global warming issue; Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations. With these individuals (whether or not I agree with the awarding of the prize is not to be argued) I can see why they were nominated and why the got it. But President Obama's being nominated...I am at a loss. He was quoted by CNN as saying, " he did not view the award "as a recognition of my own accomplishments. But rather as an affirmation of American leadership. ... I will accept this award as a call to action." So by President Obama's thought process is he just as confused? Did he win the award because it looks like he will be deserving of this award in future? I don't

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