Monday, November 23, 2009

Aidan playing in the snow

This morning we woke up and hurried outside to play in the snow. The first pic is of Aidan jumping around and the second is of the snow angels that he and I made. You can't see them very well but we did it and it was fun. We also shoveled the driveway and sidewalk. Aidan was a big help until he decided it was more fun to run up and down the sidewalk and then fall into the snow. We also were able to officially meet our next door neighbor, Frida. I am so glad that after all these months we were able to visit for a little bit. I am not a very good conversationalist, but it went okay. Aidan loves her! He adopted her as another Grandma already. He took her by the hand and showed her how he would run and fall into the snow. Silly boy. I love the snow. It makes me realize how much I love fall and winter. Well I love mostly everything about fall and winter...there are those drivers that should be driving. :)


Suziepackham said...

awww.... he loves the snow..... hopefully he always will and it can be his job to shovel.... LOL.... he's a cutie for sure....

Debbie Burns said...

So cute! But truly, you make me SO glad it is only raining here!

Steven and Megan said...

Playing in the snow is great fun! I like the snow angels! It is good that you got to meet your neighbor and even better that she is nice! Thanks for coming over to play tonight, we had fun!