Friday, November 20, 2009

Aidan and the Ballroom

Today I was lucky enough to substitute at the day care. Even better was it was for Lorraine, so that meant I was able to play all day long with Aidan in his class. How delightful! One of the best parts of the day, both for him and me, was when we went to play in the ballroom. Usually the children go outside to play but because it is getting colder outside the younger kids have this fantastic room to play in. The room is about 6 X 6, a descent sized walk in closet. It is filled with balls and the kids are allowed to go nuts in here. There are some of those gymnastic pads in there not to mention the "pool" (as seen above). Aidan was in heaven and so was I. I kept trying to figure out how to make a ball room in our house. I haven't come up with anything yet, but if I do...I am sure pictures are sure to follow.

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

Oh how fun!!! Zoe would love that too! I was hoping that when we went to Chucky Cheese for Zoe's birthday they would have a ball pit but I guess not. You should totally have a ball room!