Friday, October 17, 2008


10.5 years. Estimated cost $15,000.00. Heartache, insomnia, stress like you couldn't believe, unlimited amounts of brain power exerted.

I enjoy a good conversation. I enjoy learning and thinking outside the box. I enjoy deep problems and trying to find the answers to solve them. Ever semester I doubt why I enroll in school. So many around me have given up and have never received the piece of paper that I so covet. I know that coveting is bad and no a good idea. But coveting a Bachelor's degree is the only thing that makes me wake up in the morning and get ready for school. A day of stress, and general boloney. I only have this semester left. If I can pass all of my classes, I will get that silly degree. Five classes. Homework, study and hardwork. I hope that for the benefit of my sanity, for Aidan, for future children, for Brian....I will get passing grades and I will graduate.


Anonymous said...

Katie .. That is awesome that you are working toward your degree. This last semester will be the most difficult, especially since you have a baby, but you can do it. I did it with Quenton and now I have my bachelors degree. I am so glad that I finally finished. Study, study, study and you will do great.

Steven and Megan said...

You can do it Katie!!! We have faith in you and we all know how smart and brainy you are :) I think it's awesome that you have stayed with it so long! Good job

Dustin and Kellie said...

YOU CAN DO IT! We believe in you!

Micah Kormylo said...

Oh, good luck! We know you can do it. Is law school next?