Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mommyhood and Umemployment

Three more shifts until unemployment. Yippie!! Well actually three more shifts and then I won't work at the theater any more. I am looking for other employment, just not very hard. I want a job that will allow me to be a good mom. I think I do a good job of trying but sometimes that just isn't enough. I love the theater industry. I love working with people and helping them to have a fun experience. What I don't like is working weekends and holidays, late hours, and feeling burnt out. I don't know about anyone else but I don't think it is healthy to share my unhealthiness with my eight month old son. Brian and I are so screwed up from working at the theater that circadian rhythms are a myth to us. People actually go to bed at a descent hour? Brian is such a sweetheart, when I work he waits up for me. I assume to make sure I get home okay. It is so sweet and lovely. But I hate it. I hate that if he waits up for me that means he only gets at most four hours of sleep a night. Goodness! What constitutes a descent hour? I believe that hour is not constantly 2 AM. I also believe that little babies should be in bed WAY before that. Aidan likes to take a couple of cat naps until mommy gets home, on most nights. I hate it. I should just be there to put him to bed at eight every night, don't you think so? I am scared and excited about this unemployment thing. I have always had a job since I was 15 (14 is you count a regular babysitting gig). I look forward to quitting and making my family healthier by regular sleeping hours, better eating habits, teaching Aidan new things, staying on top of homework and other important life situations. Lets hope the idea in my head can become a reality.


Debbie Burns said...

Katie, you are gonna be awesome! I think it is wonderful that you have the opportunity to be at home with Aidan. If I here of anything work related with good hours and family friendly, I'll let you know. Best wishes in the transition to being at home!

Anonymous said...

This will be so awesome for you. I also stay home with Quenton and I love it. You can do so much more for your little guy by being with him. Some mothers do have to work and that is okay to. If you can do it without working and you don't want to work then it's best to stay home. Congratulations on doing what you want.

Micah Kormylo said...

I am so excited for you! We definitely can not have it all. We should find out Micah's new LSAT Score on Friday. Or at the latest Monday. We are so anxious.
We too hope to see you and your family in December. It would be so fun to have your here.
Anyway. Let us know about Mommyhood and how staying at home goes for you. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you to stay home with your boys. Life will be so much better by having regular hours for sleep, etc. You are lucky to be able to stay home. Hope it works out for you.
I am anxiously awaiting for you to come next month for the wedding.
Did you see the confirmation code for your reservation? 1-4-3-grandma...

Steven and Megan said...

Now that you are gonna be home more often we can hang out more and have play dates!!! Staying home with your baby is so rewarding and fun but it's nice to also have grown-up interaction sometimes.

Dustin and Kellie said...

I hope everything goes perfect. I have been home with my kids for about 2 months now, and I feel like I know them better and that I have so much more of an impact in their lives. I know that I am lucky to be able to be home, and to help others, when they can't be with their babies. I think that things will work out wonderfully for you! Good luck!