Saturday, September 26, 2009

This weeks update

Just a quick update...

Brian is still out of work. He is able to get some hours in at the theater to help keep us a float. He usually only works 2 shifts a week. He does enjoy his time there, but he still wants a good paying day job.

Brian is doing well in his classes. He is currently enrolled in 4 classes. The titles and the subjects are beyond me (databases and other type things). He is enjoying them and is doing very well. He may be dropping a class but it has more to do with a disagreement with the professor on some items.

I am enrolled in one class; hopefully the last university type class for a long time (if not EVER). It is my logic class. I only need one class left to graduate and this is it. I am trying my hardest to stay focused, attentive and above all, on the same page as everyone else. Brian is a fantastic help. He should just take the class with me and get credit for all the help he is giving. Most nights I read the textbook out loud and have him translate what I just read. He then helps me with the exercises. What a great guy that Brian is! So smart and willing to help me get it.

I have been working part time at a day care center with Brian's sister Lorraine. Even though I don't want to work this is by far the most ideal working situation I could find. I work as a substitute. And when I get called I can take Aidan with me to work. Aidan gets the benefit of seeing other faces and playing with new friends and I get the benefit of helping out a little with finances (not to mention some adult conversation). Aidan is in Lorraine class so that helps me feel better about the transition. Aidan loves his time at the day care. I don't think I will be able to just get another job and just drop him off, but it is working fabulously now.

Aidan is learning so much. I think a lot of it has to do with the day care but what do I know. He has been learning new words. He is like a little sponge and he is so good at listening. He doesn't always do what he is asked or told to do but at least I can tell it is registering in his little mind. He is saying words like 'pumpkin', 'people', 'broken', 'bottle', 'car', 'book', 'ball' amongst a few others.

We are still working on getting Aidan on a schedule for sleeping. He gets tired about 8pm and then we bath and put him to bed. He generally does a good job but he does wake up oft in the middle of the night. He doesn't want me, he wants Brian. And all he wants Brian to do is walk him back to his bed. I am convinced he sleep walks because he doesn't cry, he just wanders into find Brian. Tonight we are performing an experiment, I hope all goes well. We put his bed back into a crib. It was a toddler bed, but I am hoping the side being back on the bed will help with his midnight wanderings.

That is all for now. What's up with you?


Steven and Megan said...

You do seem to have an ideal job!! I hope putting Aidan's bed back into the crib will help. Let us know how it goes!

Erin said...

I hope the experiment goes well. It is always so hard getting the kids to sleep through the night. I am glad you have found a great situation with the day care I hope Brian will find a job he likes soon. Hey Kellie switched to private and I never got her my e-mail. Could you get it to her? ThankS!:)