Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nursery and Aidan

Today was the day. We were going to make it happen. We all woke up and showered and got ready for church. We even left early enough to make it on time to Sacrament meeting. Aidan did better than normal, which isn't saying much because there is so much room for improvement. Well after sacrament I took Aidan up the steep staircase to the nursery. Brian filled out some paper work and gave the bishop our tithing. (so hard to pay tithing when we are both unemployed and know that it would pay so many's to faith!) Once we climbed the staircase and ran over to play with the kids. One little boy even shared his toy car with Aidan and they played together. Well after about 10 minutes of realizing that Aidan didn't even realize I was there or not...I quietly left. I went and found Brian and then we went to Gospel Principles class. Nice lesson...for all 10 minutes we were in there. Then on our way to find Priesthood and Relief Society we decided to sneak back up to check on him (the door has a glass panel)...on our way up the stairs we heard him....crying....louder and louder and sadder and sadder. We opened the door and there he was full of big tears and everything. I went and picked him up and gave him a big hug and he held on for dear life. At first I thought "oh big little boy got into a fight with one of the other kids." How horrible of me to think that! I asked what happened and apparently the teacher gathered all the little ones around in a circle for singing time. No issue, Aidan sat down and sang with everyone. Then they sang a song about mommies and daddies and then.....he looked around for us. And when he couldn't find mommy or daddy he melted. He realized we had abandoned him and freaked. Poor baby boy! I think that we went to check on him just in time. After that Brian and I stayed and visited with him for the greater part of the next hour. (We did leave a little early because I got attacked by the other kids to read and I started to need a we left so that I could go and get some water.)

All in all not a bad Sunday. Hopefully next week will be just a little bit better.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He's such a big boy now. Just keep going every week and he will be more comfortable without you. Love you guys.

Cami said...

Dawson hates nursery, I walk by the door and he starts screaming... we're in a mess too.

Steven and Megan said...

Oh no... Now i'm scared to take Zoe to Nursery! Aidan is so sweet!

Micah Kormylo said...

Brode is almost 3 and he still has a hard time. It does get better though for big boy Aidan and you. It takes time. I can't believe he is nursery age. He is so close you Graham's age. He is a month and a half away from nursery. It seems like you had Aidan way before I had Graham, but I guess you really didn't. Anywho, Love ya!

Suziepackham said...

He's growing up way too fast. I love your blog and reading about your lifes adventures. I love you.

Jones said...

My advice -- I know you didn't ask for it but. . . Never, never leave without saying goodbye. He may cry then, but he'll learn to trust you. What is terrifying is that realization that 'they left me here'. Say "goodbye" and tell him you'll be back for him. If he crys as you leave, hang around outside the door to see if he stops crying and gets involved in play. If he keeps crying, go back in after about 10 minutes to stay with him. The goal is to lengthen the amount of time you stay out of the nursery room. That supports Aidan learning that when you tell him you'll be back that you always will come back. Soon, he'll learn to trust that statement and he'll be able to relax, play, and be happy until you come back for him. Helping him learn to separate from you is an important developmental milestone. You're lucky to have Nursery as a safe and playful place to leave him and help him get use to going solo for alittle bit of time.
Love ya.