Monday, September 21, 2009

You tell me...

Aidan is quite the little boy. Both Aidan and Brian have been getting up around 7 AM and going downstairs to play and watch television (in Brian's case fall back asleep). This morning I woke to an empty bed. So I decided to get the laundry ready and I headed downstairs to do it. As I wandered the upstairs for laundry I could hear Aidan talking, oh so softly, I smiled to myself. I love him I do. He really can be such a delight. And then I found him on the stairs. He was sitting next to his diaper with his shirt off, talking. I asked him what he was doing and he said "dirty" and pointed to the wet diaper sitting adjacent to him. I then instructed him to come up stairs with me. I went and found a diaper and waited patiently for the pitter patter of his feet across the kitchen floor. He then found me and grabbed my finger and took me to the bathroom. I was planning on doing this anyway, so I found it encouraging. I lifted his naked little body up to the toilet and said "if you don't wear diapers anymore this is how you go to the bathroom." At which time he peed, not a lot just a little bit and then told me he was done. I put a new diaper on him and he tried to take it off. I haven't any thing else right now; no pull ups, no underwear, just diapers.

So my question to the outside world... the world of more experienced mothers and sisters and grandmothers (anyone with any knowledge on the subject). What is going on? Is it really that time? I was always told to wait, don't rush the potty training issue. Boys are difficult to train, don't force the issue. But here is what I see, as Aidan's mom.

--during bath time, if he has to go to the bathroom, he will either point to the toilet wanting to relieve himself there. Or he will stand, grab hold of his "hose" and aim it all around the tub as he relieves himself.

-- he will sometimes bring us a diaper before anything happens.

--become extremely ornery if we haven't realized his plight and take care of it immediately.

--take toilet paper off the role and pretend to wipe (diaper still on)

--wake up in the middle of the night for a diaper change, then go right back to sleep.

I need some input from the more knowledgeable world. Please advise. What would you do in this situation? Is it time? Think he can handle it? Do you think that these experiences make him a cognizant little boy? Cognizant enough to handle potty training? Aidan is only 19 months old...


Dustin and Kellie said...

I think that he sounds ready. I have never had the honor of such readiness. Maren is obsessed with the toilet, but has never actually gone in the toilet. Yesterday at church she told the teacher in nursery that she needed to go, but of course she still had a diaper on. I very badly wanted Ethan to start preschool last year, but he just wasn't ready. (he finally got it the month it started, go figure. Eight months of trying and he finally gets it when it is techniquely too late!) I say go for it. Give it a whirl!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dustin and Kellie. Aidan is showing signs of readiness. Just ask him if he has to go and then put him on the potty when he says he does. Don't push it though. My nephew would go pee on the potty but not poo and he started around 18 months. Now at 2 1/2 he is finally getting fully potty trained.

Steven and Megan said...

Well I don't have any experience with potty training yet but I think it is great how Aidan is reacting with the toilet! I would let him go on the potty if he wants! Zoe went #2 on the toilet a few days ago and I got so excited and we went out and bought her a present and everything but she hasn't done it since.

Micah Kormylo said...

All I have to say is, WOW! I have read up a lot on this very particular subject. Not saying I am an expert, but based on some of the things I've read about Potty Training, I would say he is ready. So jealous! The Lincoln's Neighbor, Julie, had a lot of great advice for me. She might be someone you could get some tips from. I'm not saying that others like Kellie or your Mom or whomever else wouldn't be credible sources. She's just be through it 3 times with 3 different boys.
Good luck! I am excited to hear if you start the training and how it goes!

Jones said...

He's ready you lucky dog you!
Just don't push him. Keep a schedule of when you let him visit the toliet. Be matter of fact about "accidents" (don't shame him)and he may be trained before you know it. Then again, he may stay in this phase for several months. But with the response you're getting now I'd say he is ready. His smart genes must come from Brian's side of the family, no?