Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am so excited. It looks amazing. That is all I can say and I am sorry I can't say more. It is referring to a Christmas present. I just hope that the recipient agrees with me.

On another note. Today I picked my first three cucumbers. I love them. So yummy. I put some in vinegar and can't wait to eat them tomorrow for lunch. I absolutely am enjoying this thing about reaping the benefits from my own own garden. It is weird it is like a high. Strange. I am already excited for next year. I am planting EVERYTHING.

On a side note. Tomorrow I am going to tie a levi quilt. I have been working on this quilt for about a year and I am so excited to finish it off and use it. Anyone who wants to come and play....come on over. Call or text me... any helpers would be awesome!

1 comment:

Amy said...

such a good mommy homemaker! way to go! can't wait to see pics of the Levi quilt!