Friday, January 8, 2010

Like mother, like son

Do you see what I see?

Today Aidan woke up after experiencing a first...he had his first bloody nose. My poor sweet boy! I am plagued with constant, random bloody noses. It would appear that Aidan is following in my foot steps. This is something that I am not excited for him to experience. I hate my bloody noses. They are so random and tempermental! Is it too hot? Too cold? Too humid? What's my altitude? Too high? Too low? Am I stressed? What's up with my capillaries today? Not enough iron? Am I dehydrated? etc. etc. etc. I have seen doctors about my "condition," and their collective answer is that I have adjusted to it well enough, don't worry about it. What? Lucky for Aidan, I know some good tricks to end them quickly and without too much fuss. But still, poor guy!

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