Friday, January 8, 2010

Beef Bourgninion Night

As per one of my goals for this year, today I made beef bourgninion. I enjoy cooking. I enjoy learning about cooking. Well, recently I watched the movie Julie & Julia. In this movie an average joe, Julie Powell, decides that she wants to go through Julia Child's cookbook and cook all the recipes in a year. Quite a feat! During the course of the movie, as I watched it, I felt there was an emphasis on Julia's recipe for Beef Bourgninion. Well I am not an ourwardly competitive person but I thought to myself, "what's the big deal with this recipe?" I did some research and still didn't understand what all the hub-bub was about. So I chatted with Brian and I decided to make it. Many days of mental preparation brought us to today.

The prep station.
I had everything out and
ready for action at a moments notice!

The recipe called for an "herb bouquet."
Here is my first one.

The platter of finished product.
The house smelt divine all day long!

My plate.
I made a side of mashed potatoes and rolls.

Our first dinner guest of the year,
Auntie Suzie!
She really was happy to be there.

The recipe was not hard. It was just time consuming. I am guessing that was what the hub bub was all about. Start to finish total time was 5 hours. Total time standing over a stove babysitting a dutch over and/or a skillet 2 hours. Aidan was a wonderful boy today. He didn't come into the kitchen at all today. He kept coming into the hallway and making a face and running back to his bedroom. I wonder if my stressed face and constant moving about made him nervous?


Steven and Megan said...

Looks yummy! Good job Katie!

Suziepackham said...

Oh it WAS yummy.... I was happy eating it, just not too happy having my picture taken while eating it. LOL! (notice the shirt.... a typical Arnold trait... if you ain't wearing it there's something wrong)

Debbie Burns said...

Mmmmmm! I sure miss your cooking!

Jones said...

So, is it worth trying? I've always wanted to try and make this. Does it require the use of wine? Tell us the details girlie!