Monday, October 12, 2009

Just something extra....

Today while we watched Monday night television I decided to do something "productive." I had a couple of old Cinemark shirts that I just couldn't part with, I am a bit of a sentimental sap. But hey, I did work there for a combined total of 12 years and I met my husband there. That should all count for something, right? It still isn't finished but I thought I would share any how. I used the black and purple checked Garth Brooks style shirt and the candy striper Dickies shirt. I couldn't resist adding the Cinemark Crew design to the middle. The embellishment on the upper left side and lower right side are supposed to look like movie reels. The upper right is the Cinemark patch from the candy striper shirt and the lower left side is supposed to be popcorn in a container.

This is a quilt I made with left over levi patches from the quilt I made for Brian and I. This one is for Aidan, one of his Christmas presents. I tried to go outside the box and do fancy trim. Keep in mind, I am a work in progress. One day I hope to be able to do some of the very intricate detailed know the kind that you don' t use but you hang on the wall.
Today, for Family Home Evening (though it was mid--afternoon) we carved pumpkins. Aidan was pretty confused by it but I hope we have started a family tradition. I was most excited to put the inards into my compost bin. :)
Here is a shot of Aidan with the pumpkins on the doorstep. Brian's is one the top left. Mine is the right, and Aidan's is the one below Brian's. Aidan loves pumpkins. He tries really hard to say pumpkin whenever he sees them.
Something else I decided to do today was these little blocks. Brian had a extra piece of wood in the garage and I stole it! I made him use dad's table saw to cut them and then we used dad's belt sander to smooth them out. Then I painted them. I hope to do some for Thanksgiving and Christmas before long, but the sanding belt started to act funny (I think it needs a new piece of sandpaper). So I guess I will be finishing the other blocks and my yard poinsettia later this week. So many projects so little time, or is it so many projects so little money...


Steven and Megan said...

Talented Katie! I remember carving pumpkins with Zoe last year and she got so messy pulling out the pumpkin guts!

Anonymous said...

You are so creative!!! I'm so sure didn't get this talent from me. You are great.

Dustin and Kellie said...

How cute! I'm glad Aidan loves his pumpkins. I know how you feel about the compost. I still get kinda excited putting stuff out there! This week we're gonna actually start using my summers worth of recycled goods!!! I love it!

Debbie Burns said...

Katie I love that you "just do it." It's amazing! And you are my inspiration!!! I hope you don't mind if I copy you're idea on the blocks. They are so cute and festive! And the quilt looks wonderful!

KatieLarson said...

Debbie...the blocks weren't my idea. I am not that creative. I am sure I stole them from somewhere. So feel free to go forth a block away. Wow that was really lame! Miss you!