Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pudding, Pizzas and Elmo!

Yesterday we had the McFadden's over for some fun activities. Aidan has been playing on the computer lately. When Brian plays his video games Aidan likes to watch his shows on the internet too. Sprout online has saved us so much lately. It gives us a moments peace. I love that Aidan can watch Barney and other preschool type shows and he feels big and independent. Also on Sprout are recipes and games and other type of things. We have been looking through the recipes and found a fun one. Personal pizzas made to look like Elmo. Aidan loves Elmo and got so excited when he saw the pictures.

I also saw on Jon and Kate plus 8 where she let the kids use pudding like body paint and they loved it. So we decided to give it a try.

Aidan and mommy playing in the pudding. Aidan was very confused by it but after a while he started to enjoy least he enjoyed the fact that I enjoyed it.

Aidan and me making some pizzas.
One of Aidan's best buddies...Zoe Kay and her pizzas.

Looking good Zoe...
Aidan and mom with pizzas before they went into the oven.

Aidan loves Zoe. Sounds like Zoe loves Aidan. We are so happy that these two can play together. Aidan is so social and loves to be with others. Thanks to the McFaddens for coming over and playing with us...we all had a blast!


Micah Kormylo said...

You are such a good Mom. you always seem to come up with the cutest things to do with Aidan. I know how you feel about Aidan and his shows. If I ever need 30 mins or so to pay bills or prepare dinner, I'll put a show on for my boys. Seriously, like a little babysitter.

Steven and Megan said...

We had so much fun! Thanks for inviting us over. Zoe LOVES Aidan! Anytime you guys want to play just let me know

The Handleys said...

I saw that John and Kate plus 8. It looks like fun,but the mess I don't know if I can handle it.