Thursday, February 11, 2010


I remember when Aidan was a wee little lad and all he did was sleep. Not the situation today. Aidan is reminding me everyday that he is a boy of two.

Whoever coined the term "terrible twos" wasn't lying. This stage is apparently very difficult for a child. The child is finally figuring out how to manipulate their bodies and appendages. They are much better at communication. They have finally figured out there surroundings and have developed little personalities. They have strong likes and dislikes. And in my case a serious independent streak.

Aidan has been trying my patience for the last two days. He has dabbled in the terrible twos for months now, but the last couple of days have been the worst. Maybe I am just on a short thread.

Aidan refuses to eat anything unless I have asked him permission first. He loves chicken nuggets. He knows this and I do too. I proceeded to make some nuggets for lunch yesterday. He flipped out. Refused to eat them. He screamed and hollered as we, together, went through everything in the cupboard and fridge looking for what he wanted to eat. After he choose the bag of nuggets, only then would he eat them. They were the same! He just apparently needs to be consulted before I can do anything.

Then this kid hates his diaper. Hates it! But hates the potty more. He loves to wear his Thomas the Train underpants but still does his business in his pants. I have tried to tell myself that maybe he just isn't as ready as I would have liked. So I choose not to push him (I have been told that to force a child into potty training could be tramatic). Yesterday I had just changed his diaper and proceeded to put away our craft project when he climbed back on the couch (next to our craft table) and sat down. It was at this time that I realized in a split moment he had taken off his shirt and pants and DIAPER. This is not uncommon for Aidan. He likes to show me that he can undress himself and run around in his birthday suit. The kicker today was that he had just had a BM. Luckily the BM was later found in his diaper, but that didn't nor doesn't change the fact that he crawled up on the couch and sat down on the arm of the couch with a poopy butt. I was beside myself. AAAGGGGHHH! I am in moderate freak out mode when Aidan decides this must be funny. And I am lost between cleaning off the poop, cleaning him and replacing the diaper. All of which was the wrong answer for Aidan's game because he made this seemingly small, obnoxious task and JOKE!

Another Aidan-ism. Last night he decided he needed Brian. Had to have Brian. So needless to say the battle of wills is taking place as we speak and that is the only reason why I am currently awake at 730AM. He freaked out for hours last night wanting to either be out of bed or with Brian. In the middle of the night, neither is a viable option.

His limited vocabulary doesn't stop him from making sure that we are paying attention or doing as HRH demands. His new words..."stop", "broke", "down", "you come", and "NO!"

I am lacking a good nights sleep. I love my child. But seriously! Mommy isn't trying to be a pain in a two years old behind, she really does know best at this age.


Debbie Burns said...

Oh Katie, I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I can't help myself. "HRH" That was awesome. Maybe he'll get if all out of his system now and you won't have any problems come the teenage years. I wish I had better suggestions, but really all I can say is hang in there!

Debbie Burns said...

P.S. Love the new pics on the side of your blog!