Monday, February 8, 2010

Busy Weekend

I just added a slide show of Aidan's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe my baby is 2! The time flew by without my permission! Aidan is such a delight to our little family. He really rules the roost. I am so amazed at how much personality a 2 year can have. Here are some details about our little Aidan.

Height: 37 inches
Weight: 37 pounds
Shoe size: 8
Clothes size: 3T
Likes: Thomas the Tank Engine, visiting family, Cars (any cars, he calls them Roary-after Roary the Racecar cartoon), drums, guitars, singing, dancing, chicken nuggets and fries, puzzles, balls, coloring, watching Brian play video games, books, and running. I am pretty sure he will be a linebacker when he grows up.
Television shows: Sesame Street, Caillou, Thomas the Tank Engine, anything Disney, Roary the racecar, and Curious George
Dislikes: having Dad go to work, timeout, soups
Favorite words: "Eewww", "broke", "stuck", "tada", "MOM" (mom was a long time coming, he still loves to call everyone "Daa-ie" but finally mom is a daily fixture in his vocabulary)

We love Aidan so much!


Debbie Burns said...

I can't believe he's two!!!! WOWsers! Well congrats on having one of the cutest boys ever. :) And for being one of the coolest and most wonderful moms ever! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

ditto from me on Deb's you