Sunday, February 28, 2010


I served in the Chile Santiago West mission some years ago.

Late Friday night I found myself exhausted! This weekend was sure to be full of excitement and fun. So I figured that my inability to relax on Friday night due to all of the anticipation. Well at 12 AM Saturday morning I couldn't sleep. So I decided to make some cookies to share during my grandfather's 80th birthday celebration. While I was baking cookies my mind wandered to my time as a missionary. I found myself thinking in those that will forever be in my memory and help with my love of the Chilean people. Why I thought these things I didn't know. I frequently find myself wondering about these special Chilean friends. Imagine my surprise and dread when I learned (in the wee hours of the morning) that a terrible earthquake hit my second favorite nation! While I was serving in Chile everyone spoke of the "Gran Terremoto (Great Major Earthquake)" that was supposed to hit while I was there. Chileans frequently have earthquakes, so generally speaking they are able to react very well to them. During my time there I experienced my first earthquake, one 5.5 or so on the richter scale.

I digress...

Chile had experienced this terremoto. I was devasted. The quake hit 200 miles-ish south of Santiago. My locations of service were spared some of the great destruction, but they still FELT it and EXPERIENCED it all the same. My heart was so full when this news finally reached my understanding. I cried, I prayed, I pleaded and I gave my anxiety to the Lord that night. I may not have any FAMILY in Chile, but I have plenty of LOVED ones and members of my ETERNAL FAMILY in Chile.

My exhaustion was evident the next morning when I looked terrible and was scared and worried for my loved ones. Thankfully, I have Facebook. I have such a strong testimony of the wonders of technology that sometimes I can't believe people use such things for negative uses. About 30 minutes after the earthquake my Chilean friends who are now living abroad took to Facebook looking for some sign that family and friends were okay. Through Facebook we shared our concerns, our worries, and above all we shared our news of connecting with certain individuals and finding that they were without power and homes, but strong in spirit and faith! About 15 hours after the quake those with cell phone service and the ability to connect to Facebook via the cell phone were able to get online and let us know that they were okay. So many have still been unable to get online, but those who can are spreading relatively good news via Facebook. As of now most have homes still, but material items are destroyed. Gracias a Nuestro Padre Celestial por esta bendicion!

24 hours of panic, worry and concern are slowly leaving my body. I have never been more grateful for having served amongst a stronger, more faithful group of choosen people. I have always said that I left part of my heart in Chile and this weekend helped remind me of that. I am so grateful that so many have such strong spirits. Chileans have such a feeling of community and I know that they will quickly recover and be made whole. Soy Chilena! Me corazon se queda en Chile con la gente!

On a side note I received word that the temple was generally speaking undamaged by the earthquake. Many temple workers returned to work Saturday morning and they were able to hold a session in the temple before the generators (running the electricity died). So many faithful workers and members are in Chile. This should help testify of that. Missionaries were all okay and accounted for and are going to receive countless opportunities and blessings from this event.

Even though I have spoke highly of my favorite (and chosen people), please continue to pray for their safety and quick recovery.

1 comment:

Debbie Burns said...

Thank you for sharing this. I can't express what's in my heart and my head at this moment... but thank you!