Sunday, February 21, 2010


I am a happily married woman. My Brian is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.
Look at his handsome mug. AAHHhhhh.

But I am confused with my subconscience. Knowing that I am happily married, I always have dreams about other men. Yes! Its true! Brian knows of these dreams and the "other men". But my question is which person am I attracted to, in my dream. The character or the actor. Help me decide.

My new obsession is with the television show "Chuck". On this show he is Chuck Bartowski, a Nerd Herd employee (think Geek Squad) is accidentally implanted with all of the governments information on bad guys. So his brain is very valuable. The show takes you on missions as he and his handlers expertly capture the bad guys. See picture on the top. But the character of Chuck is played by a very refreshing tall drink of water, Zachary Levi (picture on the bottom).

Now we move on to another obsession of mine, the television show House, M.D. This program follows a diagnostician as he tries to solve the mysteries surrounding crazy illness and fluke pains. The character is Dr. Gregory House. (see picture on thetop) On the bottom, is a picture of Hugh Laurie, amazing actor and musician and all around cutie.

In my dreams I am usually helping Hugh Laurie solve a medical dilemia, or having Zachary Levi save me and my very important thoughts from the bad guys with his super human powers. One would automatically assume I was crushing on the the characters, but in my dreams I call them by their given names. Weird. Am I crazy? Am I the only one whose heart skips a beat for their husband, actors and television characters?

Truth be told I have also had dreams about Anthony Edwards, Chris O'Donnell, Anthony Bourdain and many others. Hugh Laurie and Zachary Levi are just re-occurring dream heroes.


Steven and Megan said...

haha :) Oh man you make me laugh... I have a movie star crush on Michael C Hall and Hugh Grant and Mickey Rourke... just to name a few

Debbie Burns said...

I dream about "other guys" all the time. Joe knows too and usually laughs at me. I think we're attracted/addicted to the characters (even as cute as they may seem in real life). Because honestly... Jason Bourne rocks my world but Matt Damon has nothing on my Joe. Hehe. And they're just dreams, right?