Monday, April 19, 2010


I love Sprout online. This website has saved me more than once. The other day I was perusing the site looking just to look when I found this crafty activity. A soda bottle spaceship. So this weekend Aidan and I decided to make a couple. I only got pictures of the one, sorry. Aidan played with this thing for hours, he actually is holding it as we speak. It is just a soda bottle and construction paper, and imaginations run wild.

This is the AidanShip. Sorry they are blurry.

Here is Aidan playing with it.

We made two. I didn't even realize what I had done until Brian pointed it out. I had made the AidanShip and a DaddyShip. After getting the joke, I refused to make the MotherShip.


Steven and Megan said...

Haha the Mothership! Those are cute spaceships! What a fun craft

Jones said...

Wow! Way creative. Isn't interesting to see a little one's imagination bloom? You are smart to foster his creativity and imagination. Both will serve him well as he has to become a problem solver.