Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yesterday we were able to go to Lagoon with the McFadden's courtesy of Grandma Pat and her employee discount. Adult tickets are $50 a person! Toddlers are $25! Thanks to Pat we each got in for $11 each. What a relief! Those prices are ridiculous!

I digress...

We had so much fun. Aidan enjoyed being able to ride with his bestest friend Zoe Kay. I think that they successfully rode all the little kid rides. They both really enjoyed the Carousel and the Cars. I wasn't doing a very good job of taking pictures because Steven had his awesome camera and said he would share his pictures. So when we get copies we will share them with you. I am amazed at how much more enjoyable Lagoon is with a child. I have never been a lover of the roller coaster or amusement parks but Aidan makes everything so much fun. Brian and I have already started talking about maybe in the future doing Disneyland. That is a HUGE step for me. Because I hated my experience in Disneyland. So negotiations are underway.

Yesterday was a perfect day for Lagoon. We arrived at 3PM. Temperature low 60s. Sunny but not BRIGHT sunny. to none! This was the second weekend Lagoon was open and most people didn't even realize it was open (because it is limited hours and on the weekend only. Park closed at 7PM). Divine I say! Divine!

One of Aidan's favorite parts was the hand stamp. He would periodically check to make sure that everyone had their hand stamped. When I scrubbed it off in the shower Aidan became very concerned. "No Mom, again. Again! Please!!" With that kind of response...we will be going again, and sooner than later.

I don't know if you can see the anxious best friends waiting in line (Zoe's feet are through the rails and Aidan is right behind her), but they were so excited! And the great part was that most the rides had hardly any lines (Puff was a different story, but the wait wasn't horrible),
Aidan posing for the camera while everyone gets strapped in. Megan is putting Zoe in her elephant car behind Aidan.
Aidan LOVED the carousel. He giggled loudly the entire ride. He wanted to go on it again, but we had so many other rides to check out. Next time Aidan, next time.

Thanks again to McFadden's for coming with us. We had a blast. And I am happy to say that Lincoln let me hold him lots. Normally he just wants his mommy and daddy but yesterday he let me play with him. Thanks Lincoln!


Steven and Megan said...

We loved going with you guys! It was a blast :) I think it's great that Lincoln had such a great time hanging out with you! Thanks for watching him while we were with Zoe and thank you again for the invite and cheap tickets.

Suziepackham said...

It's been about a month since I've read your blog. You certainly are a busy mother, and you're a wonderful one too. Thanks for sharing. Love ya