Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hubble 3-D and Space!

Today we decided to go down to the Clark Planetarium. I woke up and made brunch. French toast, hash browns, bacon and scrabbled eggs. After breakfast we left for SPACE! Aidan can't get enough of this place. It is so cute to see his little eyes get big with excitement when we get in the car to go and when we are actually there. Today was super special because Grandpa Mike was able to come with us. I was a nerd and only took one picture. And it isn't of Aidan with Grandpa. We went down specifically to see Hubble 3-D.

I don't do well with 3-D movies; I tend to get nauseated. But I wanted to see it bad enough that I was willing to fight through the nausea (I also found out that it was only 45 minutes long). Aidan did so well in the movie I was surprised. He did get restless but the things he did I found entertaining. He would watch the movie and notice the stars and then say "Space, cool." Not real loud, but loud enough for me to hear. He had a hard time keeping the glasses on, but then so did I. :)
Aidan wearing his special glasses. Thanks to all for a good time!

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