Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter and the night before

On Saturday, after all the day time activities, we decided to go over to the McFadden's house and play. Aidan and I made bunny ears for Zoe and Aidan. He had so much fun wearing it.

When we got to their house Megan and Zoe dyed some eggs and Aidan helped them decorate them with stickers and stuff. I stayed away from the stickers. Sorry guys, yucky! Megan is such a good mom, letting Zoe Kay play with stickers like that. Not me I can't do it. I have made leaps and bounds in relaxing with the stuff that creeps me out, but still not stickers. Double yuck!

Aidan with his eggs. He thought they were so cool looking. We let the McFadden's keep the eggs, they were planning on making egg salad sandwiches for Sunday lunch. None of us at the Larson household will eat the eggs hard boiled (okay I will sometimes but not very often my body doesn't like to digest them).

Easter morning was so fun. The Easter bunny decided not to hide plastic eggs at our house. We had plenty of hunts throughout the week, instead the bunny left Aidan with a scavenger hunt. Aidan loves these things. The Bunny cut out construction paper eggs and drew pictures of clues on the eggs. Aidan is a natural at these now. The final clue took him to his "hidden basket." The Easter bunny put it underneath his crib and covered it with a T-shirt. :) Aidan had a good Easter basket. It looked like the Easter Bunny had been "collecting" the goods for months. Next year the Easter Bunny will be on a budget. Promise!

A good view of the Easter Basket and all the goods. It had bendable bunnies, books, a car, a squishy ball, sidewalk chalk, some mini frisbies, some stencils, some plastic eggs, some egg toys, a mini Big Bird toy, a mini generic magna doodle, and Aidan's all time favorite thing...glow in the dark bracelets. And lots of chocolate (courtesy of Grandma Virgie), a chocolate bunny, and peeps.

Aidan was such a good boy during the first session of conference. He just played with his new toys on the couch. Wait...what the?

Aidan devoured his chocolate bunny for breakfast dessert. No wonder he was so quiet. He didn't want mom to find out. Sneaky sneaky Choco-holic!

We made it through a good portion of the conference talks. The second session Aidan was flying high from his sugar rush. Overall we enjoyed the spirit in our home this weekend. So refreshing.

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

The Easter bunny loves Aidan!! Haha :) thanks for coming over to dye eggs with us!