Thursday, July 9, 2009

The fight...back fired on me!

So if you didn't already know my young Aidan is 17 months old. That's year and 5 months. Well I don't know how I did it or if I even had any control over it but Aidan is Mr. Independent. Sometimes it is cute other times...well I get very very sad. Take today for example...

During morning bath time he made....the face. The face of concentration...the going to the bathroom face. So I picked him up and set him on the toilet. As I did he went to the bathroom. We he was done (or so I thought) I put him back into the tub. The he pointed to the toilet again. I said again. He said NOW. So I put him back on the toilet and he finished. I think that he might be too young for potty training (people have told me he is too young) but when he does stuff like makes me think that it is coming up soon!

On a side note...yesterday Aidan needed his bum changed and I wasn't aware. So Aidan went got a diaper, handed it to me, took off his pants and laid down in front of me. The boy is cognicent of what is going on...right? Because he did need to be changed.

After lunch time I was in the kitchen baking. Apparently Aidan wanted some milk because I turned around and he had opened the fridge and had pulled it off of the top shelf. Ladies and Gentlemen I PROMISE I pay attention to him and I PROMISE that I had only looked away long enough to open the oven and put a toothpick into the cake. I asked him if he needed a drink and he point to the milk and said NOW. I then gave him the milk and asked to tell me before he does it again. Golly!

Then at after dinner bath time (we had spaghetti for dinner) I went to put some soap in his hair to wash his hair and he said NO. I said babies who get spaghetti sauce in their hair must wash their hair. Then he said THERE and pointed to the soap. I said let mommy do it, he said NO, THERE. So I said it yourself! I put some soap on his hands and said wash your hair. And he did! I was saddened, happy and nauseous all at the same time. I regrouped and then got him out of the shower. One of our routines is to brush our teeth after bath time. I forgot. He flipped out and stole my toothbrush. I said you need to brush your teeth and he said THERE...meaning duh! I handed him his toothbrush and he brushed.

This probably means nothing to the blog world. But ever since (three hours ago) I can't stop thinking about how tragic this is. My baby is no longer a baby. He proves it everyday. And today was the worst (yes! all of these things happened today). I guess that the time has come...I think maybe...its time for baby number 2. I need to consult with Brian...but yep....I think it is time.


Steven and Megan said...

Oh our babies are growing up! Sad and exciting all at the same time

Debbie Burns said...

Sounds like you have quite the personality on your hands! Aidan is adorable!!! I am always amazed at how much personality they are born with. I used to think personalities were developed over time, but after all my nieces and nephews, I believe they come with their own which is just tweeked here and there as they grow up.

Jones said...

All this means is that you have been very successful at being a mother. You want him to become a fully functioning human being and he is well on his way. You've enjoyed the baby era of Aidan. Now you need to realize that if you don't enjoy the toddler,young child, child and pre-adolscent periods, you'll miss ALL the joy of raising this boy. Rejoice in the growth that you see every day. Some parents would give their life to be able to have their child progress like Aidan is doing. He is a great blessing to your life.