Sunday, July 19, 2009

6 days....27 days...who's counting!

In six days my family is leaving the state of Utah to go to the beautiful Sawtooth Mountain range for a family reunion. Every other year we go over July 27 to get together and enjoy one of my grandparents' favorite pasttimes...camping and Redfish Lake Idaho...or topographically found around Stanley, Idaho (in the middle of the state). I love going up there. It is beautiful not to mention being able to see family that we haven't seen in years. I am so excited for this trip.
And in 27 days from now my immediate family and some wonderful others (Brian's parents and sisters and Stephanie and Amy) are flying out to Washington DC. As many of you know this is my fairy tale temple. This is the "castle" that has always made me want to be a princess and think of myself as possibly being a princess. My heart gets full whenever I think about what will be happening inside these walls for my family in 27 days. ETERNITY! I can't believe that I will be able to be an eternal family with Brian, Aidan and our future children. My thoughts are always wondering and pondering about such a joyous occasion that sometimes I become a bit of a space case. So that being said I try not to allow myself to think about what happens in 27 days very often. First I need to get packed and go camping. When we get home....I will think about the beauty of ETERNITY!

On a side has been VERY busy the last two weeks. I have a lot of pictures and things to blog about. But now we only have one computer the functions and I need Brian to finish a project for Redfish. As soon as that project is prepared to be bombarded with blogs. Seriously a ton! Just look at this list of things going on...

Kristin's wedding
Hanging out with Ryan's girls
Swimming the Karrie and the boys
The zoo
Helping Bob
Shower preparations
Grandma and Grandpa visiting
Grandpa and Aidan working
Visiting Kellie and kids
Visiting with Jordan, Harrison and Addison
July fireworks
Weber State fireworks
Roommates arriving
The Roommates and their dogs
Visiting Layton Park
My 30th birthday party
My surprise 30th birthday party
Shopping day with Grandma and Grandpa and Suzie
Gateway Mall
and the list continues daily...

So for all you blog stalkers out there (Dad and Ann...:) I promise I will add some more for you to enjoy.