Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day at Layton Park

Brian and Aidan playing on the playground. Can you see Aidan?
Aidan loves to swing on the swings. Good thing...because that is my favorite thing to do while at a park. Sadly, I am getting older and forfiet my enjoyment so that the younger generation can enjoy the swings.
Aidan hiding in the bushes. Can you find him?

I love these kinds of pictures. The father and son pictures. Brian and Aidan are best buds. They love each other and you can tell with these cutesy pictures.
We tried to feed the ducks. But apparently they weren't very hungry. Oh well...maybe next time we can make it before everyone else decides to feed them.

We decided to go to the park about a month ago. Brian and I were realizing that Aidan had never really been to the park part of the know...the swings and the toys. We always go for the parade and the grass to picnic, but never for the toys. And boy oh boy did he have fun. Mom...not so much. I hate public parks because every time I go into the sand part of amazing eyes always and I mean ALWAYS find the nasty old used band aids that are floating around in the sand. Disgusting! But thankfully Brian is not the freak that I Aidan does get to play in the toy area. :)

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