Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blogging....bringing people together

Kind of a corny title I know but I am so excited to let everyone know some of the benefits of blogging and most especially blog stalking. I really hate to say blog stalking. It sounds so creepy and sneaky. When I blog stalk it usually means that I found someone through a mutual friend who is a long lost friend. When that happens I usually always leave the long lost friend a note telling them who I am and what I am doing. Well in the last little while I have found two long lost acquintances and friends. It is truly amazing how small this world is and how that game six degrees really works.

First experience is one day I was walking through Barnes and Noble and remembering when one of my sister's high school friends worked there. I knew that she had finished school, got married and had a baby...but then what else? Not to be nosy just pondering. And then there she was...she started a blog and I found her. It was so wonderful to see how beautiful her daughter was, how her sisters are doing and most of all just say hello. So this is a shout out to Darcy....long time no see...glad I could say hello.

The second experience is just as ridiculous as the first, but it means something to me. I was discussing with Brian some of my friends from high school and where I thought they were. Then I wondered if Tori was still in Hooper? I tried finding an address back when it was time to deliver wedding annoucements and couldn't find her. I wonder how life is doing for her. She was such a wonderful bubbly spirit. And when she started dating Russ, she was so happy. I heard she had a baby and went to beauty school...but what else? Maybe one day I will find her. Months go by. Then I am blog stalking one day and there she was. I saw this link that made me think of her and it was her. How exciting! Then I left her a message and BOOM! She was able to call me. We didn't chat for long but how wonderful it was to talk to her. Her life sounds amazing and I hope that soon we can get to gether and visit.

I guess the moral of this story is the internet is a dangerous place. It can be addictive and destructive but it can also be an amazing tool that I can't help but thank Heavenly Father for it. One should be careful. It is a very powerful tool. How wonderful it is to find long lost friends and family, but it can also go awry. You can also be found. So be careful.

I have pondered about going private. I can't bring myself to do it! I think it is because I want others to be able to find me. With out realizing it you meet lots of people and many go quickly. But through blogs and the can stay close to loved ones. And if you are reading this I am so grateful for you. I love you all!

Enough go do something off the internet. Stop blogging! :)


Dustin and Kellie said...

That's really cool! How is Tori?

KatieLarson said...

She is good and living in the North. I have told Brian all about her and we want to go visit her. Look at her blog and tell her hello.

Erin said...

I do love the internet for that reason as well. Through blogging and facebook I have reconnected with so many old friends that I have wondered whatever happend to them.