Tuesday, February 10, 2009

12 Month Baby Check up

On Monday I took Aidan in for his 12 month check up. Let's just say that my kid is so much fun. We waited in the waiting room for about 45 minutes. Totally abnormal for our doctor. While we were waiting Aidan was so very eager to visit with all of the other patrons to the doctor's office. I was a wee bit weary because we were at a doctor's office and one would think that the greater portion of people there were ill and contagious. So I tried to keep little Aidan at bay. I brought books and and couple of toys to help with the entertainment factor. He was very eager to smile and talk with everyone. One by one everyone was called back to a room before us. Aidan watched intently as they disappeared. Then finally it was our turn. The nurse called for Aidan and he looked up from his book and jumped off my lap and ran to the nurse. Because he was walking so well the nurse asked if I wanted to weigh him on the big scale and use the big measuring stick. She pointed to the scale and Aidan stepped right on. He was so interested in the numbers that were moving that the nurse laughed. Then we stood him next to the wall. After that we tried to walk to the exam room. Aidan followed the nurse eagerly but at every door that was open, he stopped, smiled, said something completely unintelligable to me and then continued on his way. He gave the doctor a big hug and visited with the nurses. I can't believe how incredibly social and friendly my little guy is. I was worried because of the shots...but there were no shots that day. Aidan showed signs of an ear infection and though normally it wouldn't have been an issue the doctor recommended waiting a little bit. I think it is so that Aidan would come back and visit and flirt and chat with the doctor. I so love my little guy!

Doctor's office stats

Height ....31 inches...95th percentile
Weight.....24.153 pounds (25 pounds)....75th percentile

My little boy is growing so fast.


Anonymous said...

He is such a flirt..I love it!! Thanks for a fun weekend.

Cami said...

I love how social he is! Dawson has just started in on his stranger anxiety, no fun. Someone he doesn't know will look at him funny and he'll start bawling. Aidan and Dawson are just about the same size too!

Anonymous said...

I love Aidan! He is wonderful. Come visit soon. My mom loves to be around him. Maybe you and Brian need a date night, so that Aidan can hang with the Lincoln's.

Debbie Burns said...

Wow! He is growing so fast! I always think of him as small because of your family pic on the right of the blog. But after looking through his bday pics, I realize I am not up-to-date! He is such a cute boy!

Tara said...

I still have yet to see this kid!