Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Three days of goodbyes

Today I wish to bid adieu to Time for Families, Meghan Dixon, Dr. Winn, Dr. Hughes and LuAnn And Ivan Lincoln.

Today we went and picked up Brian's cousin Meghan from Time for Families day care (where I used to be a substitute) and went to lunch with her and the McFadden's. While picking her up, I said good bye to the director and got momentarily choked up knowing that my last job for a while was truly over and I wouldn't be around to see it anymore. I also felt a bit of gratitude for Lorraine and helping me get such a trivial job because, I believe, due to that trivial job I have an aura of confidence surrounding these triplets. The day care truly helped me understand the importance of putting children on a schedule and learning how different children react to different things and most importantly, how not to stress out, remain calm and everything will be fine.

I will also miss visiting with Brian's cousin Meghan. She is one of those truly easy people for me to talk to and get to know. Maybe it was because we already had Brian and his family as a topic of conversation. I have especially enjoyed getting to know her and learn more about the Larson side of the family.

Today was also Aidan's last doctor's appointment with Dr. Darin Winn of the Herefordshire IHC Clinic in Roy. I must say I was apprehensive about leaving Dr. Wallin at Tanner Clinic when we changed insurances but he has been wonderful. Aidan loves going to the doctor and enjoys joking with the doctor. I enjoy being able to say that I am older than my family doctor. :) Today was a blessing because he helped us out in so many ways concerning allergy samples, prescriptions and Aidan's immunization records.

Then I headed to Dr. Hughes' office to pick up mine and the babies records. I actually cried as I talked with the staff about leaving. Apparently being the one pregnant with natural triplets makes you some kind of celebrity in an OB's office. They all knew who I was and that I was leaving. They all came to virtually say goodbye, even ones I have never met. They all requested some kind of birth announcement for Dr. Hughes, because he too, is sad that we are leaving him. That mad me sad. Dr. Hughes is the most amazing doctor. He ranks up there as high as Dr. Walling. I will miss him and his demeanor.

And then tonight we stopped by to visit my Aunt and Uncle. Their amazing daughters, we will see on Friday so I haven't felt to sad about leaving them yet. But after driving away from their home this evening I got a little choked up. I have been doing that a lot this week. It makes me sad that this is the first serious family goodbye we have had to do. I have enjoyed spending time with them and visiting. I will miss being able to stop by and visit and have Aidan play with their amazing neighbor kids.

So tonight I say adieu to these people and places. My heart is slowing breaking. Friday and Saturday will be horrible.


Steven and Megan said...

We love you Katie, Brian, Aidan, and the GTO babies. Thanks for letting us hang out with you guys a few times this week. We hope to see you soon!

Amy Lincoln said...

Now I am crying again after reading this!! I can tell you I will be looking for any good weekend fares to DC. So let me know if you find any!