Thursday, April 14, 2011

Now the adventure is ready to begin...

Finally Brian and I have some information about this job and move.

He was contacted late last night saying that early this morning he was to call the moving specialist. He did so. We were told that we flights would be scheduled for all three of us to leave Utah Saturday April 23rd in the morning. Brian's new employer, Juniper Systems will be contacting a moving company and they would come out early next week to survey our belongings and prepare for a moving truck to come later next week.

Upon arrival in Virginia, Juniper will pay for a rental car for two weeks and temporary housing for one month. The temporary housing will be in an "executive suite." Apparently an executive suite is a fully furnished "apartment" inside or by a hotel. We will have one month to find a rental home. I am mostly excited for the idea of a fully furnished hotel/apartment. I was trying to figure out how to feed Aidan and myself while Brian was at work. Now we will have a full size kitchen to help us out. Sweet!

I wish I could describe my emotions as being scared, frightened, anxious or something that sounded distraught, but I can't. I periodically cry, though I blame all the pregnancy hormones. But overall I am ready for this adventure. I keep comparing it to the mission field. And I tell myself if I could survive that experience, this will be nothing. And I LOVED the MISSION FIELD. Moving to Virginia will not be as tragic as some have suggested. Thanks to technology and Brian's nice paychecks we have Skype, cell phones, television, transportation, Facebook, airplanes and NICU! I feel as though my time in Chile called for a greater amount of sacrifice than this adventure. I won't be alone. I will be surrounded by my all time favorite boys. So I wont be alone, I will be surrounded by my husband and son and my faith. That makes this adventure EASY SMEESHY. (sic)

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