Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brian has some good news

Brian still hasn't heard from Virgina about that job....

But on the off chance that falls through Brian recently did interview for another position at his current place of employment. It is for a CTFS position (I don't know what that means). But what I do know is that is it is the same basic job that he interviewed for in Virginia. The good news for us is that it guarantees him a position if everyone else gets outsourced to India, a raise and a new schedule. Yippie! We don't know what the raise is, but any little bit will help at this point. His new schedule is 11-730PM (same hours) but now he his Monday-Friday like most normal people. Yippie!

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

I hope he gets the job in Utah!!!!! We need our Larson's close by :)