Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful during Thanksgiving

Last year I did 100 things that I was grateful for. This year I would like to point out what I am grateful for but not as many things. Not because my list has dwindled but because I don't want to get to redundant.

1- Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. The Trinity if you will. Without them my life would be a big ball of anger and confusion. I am grateful for their teachings and help in all that I do and don't do.

2- Brian. My wonderful husband who does so much for my little family unit. He works so hard and it shows in all that he does. I love that he is incredibly motivated to become a better person. I love that he is so supportive of whatever I choose to do and not do.

3- Aidan. The light of my life. As he grows older I love him even more. I love listening to him tell me stories and ask questions. I am nervous about some of the questions he should be asking any day now, but with Brian around, we will do fine.

4- Trials and tribulations. This last year has been a sorrowful year. I have lost many loved ones. I have been devasted by the loss of a pregnancy. I am truly amazed at how something could enter and exit my life so fast could effect me the way it has. I truly hope I have learned all that I needed to learn from losing my baby, because I am scared of it happening again. But I am grateful to have been able to see who truly cared for me and my family.

5- My parents. Their year has been as trying as mine and I am grateful for their example. Heartache and sorrow are horrible but love and happiness can exist if you try and find them. I would love to experience harmony. That's my hope.

6- My in-laws. What a blessing they are to my family. I have learned a lot from all of them and I am extremely grateful for all their help. They were amazing when I lost the baby. Absolutely AMAZING!

7- My grandparents. They drive me utterly insane, but I would be lost without them. They are my rocks. I love them for all the do. I am so thankful that Aidan has such a good relationship with them.

8- Suzie Q. I find it funny that my Aunt is my bestest bestie in the whole world. She is absolutely wonderful and talented and I love her oodles.

9- Holly and Gary. I love them so. I am so happy that I have been able to spend time with them the last couple of years.

10- Uncle Reed and Family. He has been so fun to be around. Without his happy face around I would be so sad. Aidan loves it when he comes and plays, and I love our quick visits.

11- Knowledge and understanding. I love being about the pick up a book and learn and understand it. This has helped me so much in my need to further my understanding for sewing.

12- My sewing machine. I have used it nearly everyday this last year and wouldn't trade that time for anything. I love being able to create and make with my own hands.

13- Technology. So many reasons, but mainly for keeping in contact.

14- Facebook. In addition to technology I love how FB helps me to stay connected with people I normally wouldn't (because I am lazy).

15- Netflix. Oh how they have saved me on some days home alone with Aidan.

16- Medicine/Antibotics. My family has been sick lately and I am grateful for medicine to help us get better faster.

17- Our house. I love my home and I am grateful because during these cold months we can stay nice and warm.

18- A full bodega. Bodega is my nickname for our food storage. I love that we have it and I am grateful for the space we have to add to it.

19- Good friends. Nothing is better than having good friends to visit with and play with.