Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

I just wanted to take a moment and say
Happy Memorial Day.
May you take a moment
during your activities and
remember those
who have served and
are serving in the
Armed Forces.
Whatever your political philosophy
these brave men and women
are the reason why you are allowed to have an opinion.
I am grateful for the sacrifice that
these brave servicemen and women
puts forth to protect my freedoms.
I can never express in words my gratitude,
but I hope that my
actions and support
will be enough for most.

Thank you!

Molly Monday: Wowzer Weekend!

Saturday was a busy day for us. Here is a sneak peek at some of my projects.

Pink patch quilt top.

Blue patch quilt top.

Super hero Aidan!

I need to work on the mask, but he likes it!

I also sewed two flat sheets for him and his new toddler bed. Later this week I hope to make some pillow cases and fitted sheets. I didn't do them earlier because I ran out of fabric. Guess who had to run to the store??? :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday recaps: May 24-30

This week has been a moderately busy week, I love weeks like this. I was able to go into work on M-W-F. Being able to work a few hours a week really helps with my new spending problem. :) I have an addiction to fabric. Because I frequent lots of different craft websites I am finding fun ideas of projects to do. Some of these projects include Aidan, which is good, but most of them I enjoy doing. I can' t go into too much detail because of them will one day become gifts. Just understand I love them and this week alone I think I have spent nearly $25 on fabric. Yikes! But it will all pay off by the end of the year.

On Tuesday Aidan requested a quick run to space, so we did. I love the fact that he loves going and learning about space and science. I love that Brian is able to answer his scientific questions as well. I know I could fake them but that is it, nothing to in detail. And at the rate Aidan is going my pretend knowledge would be useless by the time he turns 3. LOL!

On Thursday we were able to play around the house and run some errands. Boring! But then that night we went and celebrated our good friend Lincoln's 1st birthday. We had a blast! We had some hot dogs, ate some cake, played with our friends and the best part was being able to play outside in the nice warm rain. Happy Birthday Lincoln!

Saturday was kind of busy. Yep, I would absolutely say busy! Brian went with his dad and Steven to the Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention and spent all day there. Brian had a blast playing Magic and Munchkin card games.

While Brian was away Aidan and I were busy doing fun projects around the house. Pictures will be posted on Monday. Today I stained the picnic table. The sun, warmth and the wind decided to come and hang out together on the same day, so it was ideal for staining. I didn't get it all stained but that is just because I need to let this stain dry so that I can flip the table over and do the underbelly areas. After that we came into the house and I slaved over the sewing machine. I was able to make two flat sheets for Aidan's new bed. At Wal-Mart, crib flat sheets are $7 a piece! Thanks to Wal-Mart having a sale on fabric I was able to do two flat sheets for about $2.25 total! I also made Aidan a super hero cape and face mask. He asked me to make him be a super hero, so I did. He has been wearing it all day long, so cute. Then I finished working on some quilt tops. Then Aidan and I worked on my dad's father day present. I hope he likes it, its kind of silly, but for him its ideal! :) Then I finished up making some presents for my cousins daughters. They are getting baptized in June! Yay for them! And now I am preparing the blog for this week. Woozers! No wonder I am tired and my wrists hurt!

I hope you all had a great week. We did. This next week will be busy for us...I love busy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday: Aidan-isms

This picture was taken on Thursday at our friend Lincoln's 1st birthday. Aidan insisted upon wearing these bunny ears the whole time. At one point I tried to take them off of him and he said "no way, I bunny, hop hop hop." I said, "No you are mommy's big boy." He replied "No mommy, today I bunny." Who can argue with that? He walks around the house saying he is different animals. I recently made him doggy ears and kitty ears, but the bunny ears are by far his favorite.

Another Aidan-ism is "Tank you." I am so grateful that is he picking up on mine and Brian's use of this word. Every time we do something for him he says "tank you." Tonight Brian put him in his new big boy bed and said good night to Aidan. Aidan responded, "no daddy, tank you." What a sweetheart.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Movie Review: Memento

This movie came out while I was in Chile. When I returned it was the talk of the Oscar scene. I have always been curious about the movie, but something about it didn't make me want to rush out and see it.

Brian and I have streaming Netflix via his XBOX 360, so when we saw it on there and Aidan was asleep we decided to go ahead and watch it. Weird! Weird! Weird! For the greater part of my "readers" I would don't see this movie.

The movie is about a man whose wife was murdered and he is on a vendetta to kill the man who killed his wife. This story has been told many many times, but the difference is that this man has recently had a head trauma so he doesn't have a short term memory. The reason why this movie was the talk of the Oscars, I believe, was that the story isn't told in a start to finish kind of manner. It is upside down, backward, and all out of order. Your job is to keep up with the story line as it is told from the end backward to the beginning.

When I worked at the movie theater I watched everything and movies didn't bother me. I became VERY desensitized. Since I have quit I don't watch many hard core movies anymore, it is very hard to with a two year old. I have been away from the theater for 18 months and I can say that I can no longer watch movies just to watch them. Most movies don't even look good to me anymore. I can say that I have been ?sanitized? again.

This movie had no nudity, no violent scenes, little swearing but images were abundant. The main character (because he has a short term memory) tattoos information to his body and talks Polaroids of EVERYTHING. This movie is R-rated for theme.

I don't recommend this movie to everyone. I know of some people that would appreciate different aspects of the movie, but most wouldn't enjoy it. I sure didn't. However, that being said I am glad that I watched it and learned from this experience. Maybe there was a reason why hadn't "made" time to watch it before.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursdays Nostaligia

This picture I found amongst a whole slew of pictures my dad is hoarding. I love it. Look how young everyone is. Left to right is my cousin Alician, Tami, Harrison, Chad and Jacob. Alician and Tami are sisters and they belong to my uncle Reed. Harrison and Jacob are my younger brothers and Chad is my Uncle Danny's son. I think this picture was taken in the early 90s. This picture also makes me remember all the good times I had at my grandparents home on Hill Field Rd. I loved that house.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

1. A solid commitment between Brian and I in our marriage.
2. My cute husband that tickles my back on demand.
3. My grandparents who are always willing to watch Aidan so I can have a moment to myself.
4. Prepackaged frosting in a tube. Why did it take me so long to find you?
5. Aidan and he attempts to learn the English language.
6. Craft websites. They are my new obsession/love.
7. Free places to go and visit.

More indepth...
1. The more I realize it the more I realize that I am blessed with a wonderful partner who helps to complement me (and hopefully I complement him). We are fully aware that our marriage is a bond, a contract, a commitment between the two of us to work hard, learn from our own mistakes as with our parents and make strong, healthy, happy, solid marriage work. I have oft times this week been brought to the understanding that it is important to have this kind of agreement between two people, it helps with the concept of marriage.
2. Doesn't need much explanation, he is just good at it and I love it!
3. I have been toying with the idea of finding part time employment, in addition to my barely there employment at the day care. Why? I enjoy spending money and going on trips. And Aidan is at an age where he no longer needs me 24/7. Bob and Virgie said that they would support me on this. They enjoy Aidan's company and he theirs. So I am grateful that they are willing to babysit so I can make money so that we can spend it.
4. I have been enjoying the beauty and simplicity of the cupcake. Little bite-sized morsels of sweet goodness. We aren't cake eaters in this house but there is something so fun about a cupcake. Recently I bought some prepackaged frosting in tube. I have never bought this before because it is cheaper to make it at home or buy a can of frosting. This frosting in a tube is designed for the decorating aspect of cupcakes/cookies and it is so delicious. It dries fast and makes for an entertaining activity. Aidan always gives me ideas of what to "color" on the cupcakes, they never turn out "cute", but the fun we have doing it makes it all worth while.
5. Aidan is all about talking lately. He is learning to put multiple words together and make phrases. His new phrase that makes me giggle is "how 'bout I carry you?" Which, sadly, translates to "how 'bout you carry me?" He is reversing his pronouns and I enjoy listening to it. Yesterday I decided to let him know that he was saying it wrong. This started a mini-debate between the mother and the two year old on when to say "you" and when to say "me." Needless to say I declared Aidan the winner; I got myself so confused I threw in the towel. I would still like to see him try and carry me. :)
6.There are so many other wanna be crafty people out there and they all have blogs to share their talents. I love it. Don't be surprised when everything I give away is homemade or refurbished. Love these sites. Here are a few for you to check out.

7. Clark planetarium, local parks, local libraries, Hill Aerospace Museum, etc. These places are our friends and we love to frequent them. They are lifesavers when we need to get out and are broke!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday Book Review: Thursdays at Eight

Debbie Macomber is my current go to quick read. I enjoy reading her because she isn't vulgar or offensive. She has a compelling way of telling a story about relationships and interactions between individuals. Be warned I have been reading A LOT of her work lately.

"Thursdays at Eight" is a book centered around four women. Claire is a mother of two teenage boys who was recently divorced and is still suffering through all the emotions of betrayal and forgiveness. Elizabeth is a widow in her fifties. She longs to find some balance in her life now that her children have moved away. Karen is a young vibrant woman who feels as though she is an outcast in her family. And then there is Julia, a wife and mother of two teenagers who is anxiously engaged in her new yarn store. Her life is perfect, until the one most unexpected thing tries to take it all away, or does it?

These four completely different women find themselves all enrolled in a journal writing class. After the class ends they find themselves meeting for breakfast to discuss life and experiences every Thursday at eight.

Macomber isn't a wonderful writer. But she has a way of making you want to read her work and find out about these women and their lives. Her books are pretty predictable sometimes isn't that what we want? Don't we want everything to be okay and turn out the way we wanted, with a happy ending? Debbie Macomber delivers happy endings even if it isn't what her characters ever expected.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Molly Monday: Toddler Bed

This weeks major project was Aidan new toddler bed. It is a heavy duty bed that isn't going anywhere. We decided to make Aidan this bed because he needs to get out of the crib, permanently. The crib he sleeps in now has the capability to transform into a toddler bed and then into a big kid bed but we felt it best to start the transition out of the bed now. We love the crib and one day soon (hopefully sooner than later) we want to be able to use the crib for the next child.

We found the plans for this bed online here. These are free, very easy to read plans and it uses a crib mattress. Brian and I were able to buy the wood, cut the wood and put it together in about 4 hours. The thing that is taking us the longest is the staining and sanding part. I have finally put all coats of stain on the bed and I think it is dry by now (who knows with the SNOW we got this morning!) and then I need to finely sand down the bubbles from the stain and then put it in Aidan's room.

Aidan is so excited for this bed. Every time I have been outside to work on it he climbs right into the flat bed part and pretends to sleep in "his bed."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New idea for blogging...

In the recent past I have been told by different individuals that they are disappointed when I don't post often enough. I am sorry to have disappointed. I don't understand why I don't more either. Maybe it is lack of material because I usually post on Facebook daily. So I have given a lot of thought to these comments and believe I have come up with a solution. I purpose the following...

Recap Sundays
Molly Mormon Mondays
Book Review Tuesdays
Thankful Wednesdays
Nostalgia Thursdays
Movie Review Fridays
Aidan-isms Saturdays

Quarterly updates on different crafting projects.
Normal random posts will continue as normal.

More information concerning the above mentioned days/posts...

Sundays. A basic quick recap of things that have happened throughout the week. Some weeks will be reviews of blogs posted throughout that specific and other weeks; my chance to catch up.

Mondays. I am finding myself becoming more...what's the word. Mormon-y. Marthy Stewart-y. I enjoy doing things that I would have never pictured myself enjoying 5 or 10 years ago. This day will be my day to share recipes, craft ideas, spiritual thoughts, spiritual insights, information on food storage, emergency kits, gardening, decorating (trying to get into this one) etc. all of my current interests. These topics I have been trying to research and learn more about. So as I increase my knowledge (though it may be small), I will share with you.

Tuesdays. Because I am mostly an at-home-mom I find myself having extra time, during nap time and similar times, to do a lot of reading. I am becoming my mother. I love reading. And I find that I am pretty fast at it (depending on the type of book). It is not longer "hard" to finish at least 3 books a week. Crazy huh! The other fantastic part is that I live about two blocks from the library so it is easy to rotate books and topics of books. Hopefully, my "taste" will be worth reading for you, that or at least the review of the books.

Wednesdays. Speaking of books I just read a book called "Thursdays at 8" by Debbie Macomber (this will be my first book review), but one of the characters shares her blessings/ things she is grateful for in her journal. I may not go into detail about these things but I will share my 7 blessings/ things I am grateful for weekly.

Thursdays. Nostalgia. Who doesn't love a good dose of nostalgia? This will be my day of reflection. My day for telling stories of my past, sharing photos, etc. etc.

Fridays. Movie review day. Brian and I met at a movie theater. Between the both of us we have 20 years theater time under our belts, so movies are important to us. We are always watching movies. This is the day I will give you my two cents about them. I leave this day open for old and new, action and comedy, color and black/white features, anything could be reviewed. Reader beware. :)

Saturdays. This is the day that I share with everyone the crazy things that my Aidan says. Now that he is finding his voice and personality, it usually puts a smile on face. I will share these words with you.

I was trying to share monthly, some of my crafting projects. I am finding that both daunting and boring. I think sharing them and reviewing them quarterly will be more appropriate.

I am a blog stalker and as such I enjoy the notifications that tell me something new was posted by so and so. I hope to become your new excitement. I do not think that this should be too crazy and overwhelming. I am frequently able to update my Facebook status why can't I add more to my blog. Especially knowing that this blog works as a journal. Hopefully I will stay motivate and intriguing to my readers.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Aidan's first sickly doctors visit

Even though he loves to pose and smile
for the camera I promise he was acting sick!

The night of May 7th I got very little sleep. My sweet heart was sick. Yes sick. Aidan has had the sniffles before but that night was different. There was throw up, there was a slight fever, there was crying, there was icky all over him. When I woke up on Saturday, exhausted, I called my mom. She being the best Dr. Mom ever, basically told me I should do what I thought was best. Let him chill at home or take him to the doctor. I pondered, I stewed. Finally at 2PM I decided to just take him to the doctor. All of his teeth are in (most of them all the way) so I can't blame teething anymore.

At the doctor's office he acts mellow. Investigates all the toys and acts like a normal little shy boy, so not my Aidan. I think the nurse at the check in station thought I was crazy bringing him to the doctors office. She kept saying he was acting good. I almost left thinking maybe I was crazy. We get into the exam room and the doctor checks him out and the verdict is eczema, a virus and an ear infection. I had mixed emotions as we left the clinic. Happy that I wasn't crazy and there was a reason why my Aidan was acting strange, and sad because I am a nerd and first felt happy that my son was sick. Weirdo! But I think a little bit of mommy vindication was okay.

Aidan was such a good boy at the clinic. He was so brave and obeyed the doctor. I was worried he was going to be scared but instead he approached everything cautiously and did fantastic.

Spotted Aidan

Spots on his face...

Can you see them on his tummy?

Last week Aidan had a sniffle. So I took him to the doctor. It was determined that he probably had eczema, a virus and an ear infection. The doctor prescribed amoxicillin. This was on Saturday. The prescription called for a ten day dosage. The following Saturday we noticed all of these little spots all over Aidan's body. We assumed an allergic reaction. We kept an eye on it, but didn't go to the doctor. I stopped giving Aidan amoxicillin. We started to think it was maybe the measels because throughout the day there were more spots, darker in red color and Aidan started to act lathargic. So early Monday morning we call to get into the doctor. We are able to go in the next morning. Throughout our consultation the doctor determines that it is either a strep rash or an allergic reaction. The doctor is leaning toward an allergic reaction because if it was a strep rash the way to treat it would be with an antibotic like amoxicillin. We do a little throat swab and wait. The test comes back clean, no strep. He then prescribes a different kind of antibotic, azoybasdlkfjqasljdtin. ( I have no idea what it is called but it starts with the letter A and has a Z in it.) We give him his first dose that night, the next morning an improvement is the coloration, the size of the spots and Aidan energy level. Yay!

Suzie's birthday

I am beginning to realize how behind I am on my posts.

For Suzie's birthday, Brian and I took her to Tepanyaki. She had never been there and we love it. She had been to a Benihanna but never to Tepanyaki. I am glad we were able to take her for her birthday. We sure do love that Suzie Q. She has done so much for our little family. I love her so much, she is an amazing woman and wouldn't know what do without her in our lives.

Suzie cheesing it up. Love you!

Happy Birthday Suzie!
Keep smiling sweet pea,

A new book for Aidan

Aidan loves his books. He found some of Brian's comic books and loves looking at the pictures. I promise these comic books are silly, I have looked them over. I just think that it is cute how Aidan will pick up a book and "read." I hope he continues to thirst after the written word. I know I love it!

Fajitas at a BBQ?

Last Saturday we decided to have an impromptu get together at our house. I made a big batch of fajitas vegetables, Lorraine made the tortillas, and Brian grilled up some chicken. We had the McFaddens, Matt and Lorraine, and Aaron and James come over to play. For those that don't know Aaron is Brian cousin and James is his son. Aaron and James are frequent XBOX playing buddies of Brian. :) We ate food outside and then played a rousing game of Phase 10. I have said it in the past, but there is something amazing about surrounding yourself with good friends, family and food. It is refreshing to the soul and rejuvenating to the body. Thanks everyone for coming and playing with us. I hope to have lots of these over the summer.

The McFaddens. I thought Steven had a good time, maybe not. :)

Brian, Lorraine, Aaron and James hanging out on the patio. What a lively bunch!

Lorraine and Aaron getting ready to play some Phase 10!

Aidan as a cat?

I don't know why but this is Aidan's new favorite spot on the couch. He nearly fell asleep there the other day. Why he would enjoy sleeping on the back of the couch is beyond me, but oh well, he is a silly boy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

This week at a glance

I am exhausted. Thoroughly exhausted. I had the opportunity to work four out of five days. I just barely got off for the day. I am out of practice with this job stuff. I think to add to being out of practice, my substituting for a day care teacher (she teaches the 2-4 year old class) didn't help matters. Kids are exhausting. I love children but there are very specific personality types that can do this kind of work; I don't think that I am that person.

For one thing the children are learning everything. To toilet train, to listen to instructions, to ignore, to defy, to question, to repeat new words, learn new words, their climbing abilities, their need for independence, their need to be "big" but still cuddled and loved after an "owie," etc. etc. Here is the kicker that is what I noticed about Aidan and then multiply that by 15!

I am sad to say that I think my time in this class would have been better if Aidan wasn't with me or if we had more time to be in that class together. I feel that the latter would have been the best option. I felt that all week I was yelling at Aidan. "Aidan don't hit", "Aidan no spitting", "Aidan feet are not for kicking", "Aidan share", "that's not your toy! Stop it", etc. etc. In addition to all of this Aidan is the biggest 2 year old in this class. He is the biggest out of the 3 year old group and only one other child is bigger than him and rarely is in that class (he gets bumped to the 4-5 year old class). Aidan is a complete bully. He hurt the other kids nearly everyday. It was exhausting. I keep telling myself that we go to the day care for two reasons; one, extra spending money and two so that Aidan can learn how to interact with other kids. I am still optimistic that all this will change once he gets out of the terrible two stage.

One occasion I would need to go and help in the adjacent infant/toddler room. This was usually for no more than 20 minutes. Aidan would freak out if I left. He would freak out when he saw me holding other babies. He stresses me out. My hope is that when we finally decide to have another child, he would mellow out in the ten months of pregnancy.

That being said last night Aidan asked to sleep with his baby doll. I gave him his doll and he asked me "mommy where you baby?" To this I replied "He grew up big and tall. He isn't a baby any more." Aidan then looked at his baby and said "Okay, daddy buy baby" and gave me a kiss. Funny stuff huh!

So now that I have given you a run down of this week I have decided to lay on the couch and read a book for a while, some mommy down time. Aidan fell asleep in the car and is up cuddling with Brian, so I have time to relax.

Also because I am working lots I am excited to say that Brian and I have decided to go on a fun filled weekend to Las Vegas at the end of September. We wanted to go to the truck races and eat at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill, so now we are going to do it. And my mommy and daddy are coming with us. The fun part about this weekend is that Aidan is going to experience his first truck race and we plan to stay the night at the Sahara Hotel on the Strip so for the first time, I will actually "experience" Vegas, and not some quick day trip for Cheesecake Factory and shopping. So excited!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A bust for Mother's Day?

I have a question for all of my dutiful blog followers. I have been feeling kind of down today. Today is Mother's Day and aside from me trying to make sure that certain people felt my appreciation I have felt very under appreciated. Brian implied a few years ago that (in not so many words) I was not his mother so he didn't really feel the need to celebrate this holiday with me. Granted I am the mother of his child, but until that child gets old enough to want to celebrate it FOR me, I was going to be without.

Growing up I was taught differently about this day. Mother's Day isn't just a day for a phone call to your mother, though that is fine, it is more a day about appreciation for all the things that mothers do. Not just your mother. What are some attributes that mother's have? Think about this. Is it only your mother that has these attributes? Was there ever another woman in your life that shared these attributes with you? For me mothers day is a day of appreciation. All mothers have their faults, but each woman is a woman of incredible worth and at least once in a while we should say thank you for always being there when you need them, being a teacher, being an example, sharing wisdom, and just loving someone.

I am not trying to hurt feelings, and I hope I didn't hurt Brian's feelings, that is not my intention. I understand that many people have differing ideas on this day. One of my old roommates got mad at me one year for buying her flowers on Mother's Day because she wasn't a mother and she wasn't close to being a mother (not dating anyone). I tried to explain that I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, but she still refused my gift and even asked that I remove them from the house. My intention was never to offend.

But here I am hurt late at night because I wasn't acknowledged for being a mother by my two year old son or my husband. I had a great day with my extended family (they have the same opinion of the day as I do). Am I wrong for having these feelings? Why am I having these feelings?

Sorry for being a downer, but I need some input.

Aidan and potty training

Aidan is doing much better than I thought he would. I have been the problem. I haven't been as consistent as I would have liked but Aidan is still learning.

Aidan and I have talked about certain rewards that he gets if he accomplishes his potty goals. They are the following:

5 BMs = one game of bowling at Boondocks with his best friends Zoe and Lincoln
10 Ps = one goldfish (a real goldfish)

So far we are at 2 BMs and 4 Ps. Wish me luck! That's right I need your luck more than my Aidan. I need luck and help being more consistent and more aggressive. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Tonight was a night that I should be mad and frustrated at something my Aidan did but I can't because he puts such a smile on my face. Brian and I had put Aidan to bed at 1030PM (he had a late nap). He got his juice, a new diaper, hugs and kisses. The routine was complete. We turned off the light, turned on the new Spiderman night light and walked away. Brian headed off to work and I eagerly watched Betty White on SNL. I found some skits entertaining, but realized why I don't watch it that often; too much innuendo for me. Well just after it ended I heard Aidan yelling as loud as he could "MOMMY HELP PLEASE" over and over again.

I usually ignore Aidan yelling at me but something about his words and tone made me run at full speed upstairs to see what was going on. Glad I did.

*Close your eyes and imagine the following*

I turn the light on to find Aidan naked straddling the side of his crib. You heard me naked, completely in his birthday suit. As I walk over to him I notice that all of his bedding is in a heap on the floor, he had stripped his bed of his blankets, sheets, pillow and baby doll and Elmo (yes, my son sleeps with a baby doll. I am fine with it, you should be too!)

I get him down and he responds in a very relieved voice "Tank You Mommy." And promptly sits on the floor. I sit down on the floor with him and ask him why he is naked. "I go potty" he replies. To that I grab his unsoiled diaper off the ground (he took it off) and respond by saying that his diaper wasn't dirty. Then he stands up and walks to the pile of bedding on the floor and says "dirty." He then gives me a big hug and says "Tank you Mommy."

Using my mommy deductive skills I believe the following happened. We are in potty training mode. He is very good at identifying when he needs to go to the bathroom. He actually enjoys trying to take off his clothes. I think he realized he had to go potty, didn't want to go in the diaper. Took off his clothes, took off his clean diaper and then realized he couldn't go to the bathroom toilet. He had an accident on his bedding and removed all of the contaminants (just like how mommy and daddy do it). Then he realized he needed his underpants/diaper back on and tried to go and get it. But got stuck on the side of the crib. Anyone would be uncomfortable being high centered like that but add to the equation being naked. Poor boy!

I love the fact that my Aidan is smart. I love times like this when I should feel frustrated and upset because of what he did/does. But I thank Heavenly Father daily for the blessing that Aidan is in my life. What a sweetheart! He is absolutely in the terrible two stage but he is also showing his independence, knowledge, understanding, reasoning, and so many other skills. Earlier today I got paint on my hands and I was looking around for the nearest paper towel, baby wipe, anything to clean my hand off. As I was looking around I noticed Aidan watching me, and before I could ask he ran to where the wipes were and handed them to me and said "You okay?" Yes, Aidan now mommy is fine. Thank you for thinking ahead and helping mommy.

I have never wanted to be the jumpy mom. You know the mom that panics and freaks out over everything. So when Aidan falls or bumps his head I try and not react until I get some kind of reaction from Aidan. When Aidan coughs or gags, Brian and I watch him intently and then wait to see if he can correct it himself, he always does. When he recovers we ask "Are you okay?" He replies "Yes, okay." Well a couple of weeks ago I took a drink of water and inhaled wrong. I began to cough. Aidan stopped building his spaceship, walked over to me and asked "Mom okay?" I kept trying to say yes in between coughs. When he didn't the answer he wanted he climbed on the couch, got behind me and put my arms in the air. When I was done coughing, he asked again "Mom okay?" I responded, free of coughing "yes mom okay." Aidan got off the couch, went back to his toys and said in a very pleased tone "cool mom."

I LOVE MY BOY! He may not be an angel, but he is just what I need!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dad's Visit

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was our anniversary. Three years! Wow! I can't believe it! It isn't much but so much has happened in our young married life.
Yesterday was quiet and quite perfect. Brian got home from work and surprised me with beautiful flowers (roses from Brian and tulips picked by Aidan) and letting me sleep in. He and Aidan played some video games until I woke up. When I work up, Brian laid down for a "nap." He slept for about 5 hours while I played with Aidan, played on the internet, and worked on some craft projects. At 4pm I started making dinner. We both love chili verde and so instead of spending money, I decided to make it. While making the chili verde I experimented and made homemade tortillas. Why haven't I ever done this before? They were so good, so easy and so much better than buying them pre-made in the store. I will continue to make them from scratch, seriously that easy! Then as the dough was resting and the chili verde was simmering I got in the shower. At this time Brian took Aidan to his parents house. When he returned home was ate dinner and enjoyed a good movie, Sherlock Holmes. Love it! So good! Highly recommended, but then again I figured I would enjoy it; Brian and I love Guy Ritchie. Snatch is hilarious! Then Brian went and picked up Aidan while I did the dishes. When they returned home, we got caught up on our T.V. recordings. We love House, Chuck, Holmes on Homes and Income Property; but we often can't watch them right away. Last night we watched Chuck, Holmes on Homes and House. What a fantastic night! We stayed up until about 2AM which for me is really late. Recently I put Aidan on a pretty set schedule and in the process put myself on a schedule. Aidan is asleep in bed by about 11PM and I am usually asleep by midnight, so 2AM was late.

As always all the pictures (but those of the flowers) were taken by Google pictures.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Subliminal Message?

Today I came downstairs to find this staring back at me. Aidan had been playing with the blocks I made and spelled this word. Here is the crazy thing. I had been thinking about all the projects that I have started, needed to start, want to start, need to finish, etc. I have lots of sewing I should be doing. And then I see this. Well I guess I now know what I will be doing most of this week. If you need me I will be in the basement, behind the sewing machine. :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days where it was just awesome? Maybe you won the lottery or found your missing keys. Maybe you saw something so amazing you just had to share it with someone. Or maybe you were so proud of your child you just had to tell someone. Or maybe you made a list of goals/things to be done and it got completed? Maybe you just need to feel someones love or spirit in a close proximity to you? Have you ever had this day? Did you run home and share the story with your loved one (husband/wife, child, grandparent, aunt/uncle, best friend, co-worker, brother/sister)? I often have these days. But today is a different day. Normally my go to person is Brian. He is always a good listener/problem solver. He gets excited/sad/irritated/frustrated/annoyed with me. But sadly today he wasn't/isn't good enough. Sorry, honey, but its true.

I have had the wonderful opportunity of spending all week with my dad. Together we have gotten a lot accomplished. This week was chucked full of chores, activities, fun, and projects. I have been able to spend time with my mom. Just being in her presence makes me happy. I can watch her read a book and its wonderful. I have played with Grandpa and Grandma. I have visited with Suzie and the Lincoln's. But something hasn't felt right.

Tonight is one of those nights where I wish I could call up my sister and have a good long chat. I would like to share my adventures of this last week, send her a recipe I found that she would LOVE, ask advice on potty training Aidan (it will happen this week!), share a secret, show her my latest craft project and even plan a lunch date/play date with the children.

"The Lord doesn't put us through this test just to give us a grade; he does it because the process will change us." Henry B. Eyring (Stolen from Uncle Ivan)

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Ether 12:27

Hopefully, one day this trial shall pass and I will be able to share all this things with my sister. Hopefully.